Category Archives: Parish Hall

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Parish Hall committee A.G.M May 25th 2017

Secretary’s Report 2017

Thank you to everyone who has helped to make the past year so successful, with regular booking most nights. The long running saga of the soak away has been resolved thanks to Rick supervising and Rosie and Nick doing the work.

Thanks to Nick who continues to keep a steady hand on the reins, to Liz for clearing under the stage and continuing to supervise the cleaning, most importantly for managing the finances. To Richard who has taken on as booking secretary, which is not always plain sailing.

It was good to welcome Dave Proctor onto the Committee, we do need more members.

Finally, thanks to all the committee for continuing to pull together.



This has been a very good year for South Hill Parish Hall. It has seen a continued stability in regular bookings. Groups such as the playgroup, give us an increase in children’s parties and wedding bookings.

The hire charge of £12 per session is a fundamental strategy to our success, in growing new and repeat business.

I would like to thank Wendy for her work as secretary and Liz for her role as treasurer, and Richard in his first year as bookings secretary.

Thanks to Clare, Andy and Ali who have all given up their free time to give a continued impetus to the committee and organising events.

We had a great Harvest Supper, celebrating our 50th year with a sell out of tickets and fundraising auction to produce our best total ever. Everybody enjoyed The Golberdon Girls choir who provided the entertainment. Big congratulations to all the committee for providing an excellent self selection buffet.

The hirers have continued to benefit from our decision to introduce a permanent weekly paid cleaner.

From now having completed a funded joint project with SHARE to provide solar panels on the Parish Hall roof, we are benefiting from the electricity generated in the day and feed in tariff. We need to capitalise on the free energy by installing storage heaters or similar.

The canopy at the rear of the building facing the playing fields has created an outside all weather area which has been well used and appreciated by hirers.

To the Future –We are going to continue to find people that would like to use the hall during the day as our evenings are fully booked. We continually need to raise extra funds to pay the Council Tax, a sum of £400 each year.

We have replaced the leaking roof on the field side of the new extension and installed fans to help reduce condensation in the roof space. For the future we will need to start budgeting for replacing the main hall floor, which continues to suffer from dry rot.

The next big project is to refurbish our twenty year old kitchen. Our aim is to replace it with commercial stainless steel units and tops. So it can deal with the demands of a popular Parish hall.

For the future to continue with the success that is South Hill Parish Hall.

To maintain a high quality venue this is value for money.

To help provide a wide range of events for the community.

Nick Easton


NDP Free Big Breakfast

The event took place on Saturday 4th March from 9am – noon. The 86 visitors that attended saw exhibits from the WI, St Sampson’s Church, South Hill Piecemakers, SHARE, Justin from the NHS  demonstrating the defibrillator and South Hill Village Hall. The main attraction however, was a display of the Neighbourhood Development Plan alongside Councillors talking about the plan and our ambitions for footpaths in the Parish. The visitors were from all areas of the Parish including Golberdon, Maders, Berrio, Mornick, Trewoodloe, Trewassick, Lansugle, Egypt, Trevigro, South Hill, Bray Shop, Jericho, and  Manaton.

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Neighbourhood Development Plan – update

The South Hill Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has now been returned after being reviewed by an independent examiner. The comments that we received were very positive and there were no major changes to make to the policies.

The NDP team are now organising an event for March 4th 2017 at the Parish Hall. This will be a Free Big Breakfast starting at 9am for all residents. The final draft version of the Plan will be available to be viewed and the team will be there to answer any questions that you may have.

You can read the background to the NDP provided by the Parish Council on their website…

South Hill Horticultural Show, 57th Year

Flower Show_Page_01aOpen to ALL and a must on the parish calendar.

10p entry fee per class or Children 5p

Last date for entries August 15th when you can go to Golberdon hall with your entry forms and money between 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

The FULL schedule is available here….     and a hard copy can be picked up from The Show committee members listed on the inside page.

Classes include:

Floral Art, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Vegetables, Fruit, Cookery, Preserves, Handicraft, Children’s classes and Photography.

There really is something for Everyone.

The Cookery item that attracts a lot of interest and entries is class 71 where the show committee give the recipe and method of a given cake, yet the results are always so different.

THIS YEAR it’s a Boiled Cake and here are the details:

Boiled Fruit Cake

Recipe & Method

  1. Into a large saucepan add 4oz margarine or butter, 6oz caster sugar, 6oz currants, 6oz sultanas, 2oz mixed peel, 8 fl oz water, 1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 1 heaped teaspoon mixed spice; bring to a rolling boil and cook for 1 minute.
  2. Cool the mixture for 15 minutes, stirring often, before gradually adding 2 large beaten eggs followed by 4oz plain flour, 4oz self-raising flour & a pinch of salt.
  3. Stir well then turn into a greased & lined 2lb loaf-tin.
  4. Bake in the oven for 1 hr 15 minutes at 140°C.

Good Luck!


Queen’s Birthday Celebrations


2pm on the note the Golberdon gal’s choir & new Golberdon Philharmonic orchestra struck up with God Save The Queen and more rousing renditions to get the Queen’s Birthday celebrations well under way at the South Hill Parish Hall in Golberdon. Continue reading

SHARE Update, April 2016


the number of voluntary hours donated so far by SHARE’s Board and Management Committee as we work to fulfil our vision of a secure and sustainable future for all in South Hill Parish

We are now finalising a series of feasibility studies, paid for by a grant we received last year from energyshare.  A great deal of work has gone into this, not only by the SHARE team, but also Community Energy Plus (CEP) and Paul Martin of Kabin.  Within the next few weeks we will be able to present these results at a full Membership meeting.

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