Category Archives: Events

South Hill Parish Hall Survey Feb. 2024

This survey produced by your South Hill Hall Committee will be hand delivered to households in South Hill Parish on Saturday 3rd and Saturday 10th of February 2024.

Please complete and return by February 29th 2024 to the box provided in the parish hall porch or you can email in your response to THANK YOU.

Also available as a PDF you can download.

July 2024 Connection Newsletter

In this edition:

  • St. Sampson’s church Summer Fayre June 29th
  • Burial Ground proposal public meeting July 2nd
  • Quiz for East Cornwall Search & Rescue Team 27th
  • WIN FREE Tickets to Liskeard & Launceston Shows
  • South Hill Horticultural Show schedule here
  • Lots of local events this month
  • SHARE Tour local energy efficient homes
  • Free 1st hour parking back in Callington
  • All our local Advertisers here

As well as the on line newsletter we also offer a print copy which can be delivered to you within the parish. We love your feedback and articles email to editor@south-hill  or call Ali on 07305 044049.

You can follow us on our South Hill Parish FACEBOOK Group  Where you can share posts of interest, lost cats and dogs, for sale or wanted items…

THANK YOU, and enjoy reading the newsletter

From The Connection Team

Archived newsletters (all of them!)
can be found in our public Google Drive folder – here…

SHARE visit to The Incinerator

Tour of the incinerator centre or CERC Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre, as it’s called, at St Dennis.

If you’d like to join us on Thursday 24th August, either am or pm, let Laurence know.

There is no charge for the tour, which lasts 2 hours.

Children must be over 7 years of age to visit this site.

More details to follow once we have names and numbers.

Numbers are limited.

If you’d be prepared to drive please let us know.

We’ll visit the Bodmin recycling centre another time as it’s currently closed for redevelopment work. TY .


Thank you Laurence for arrranging this.

Suggestions for other visits welcome.

SHARE – Picnic In The Wild

We’re keen to show people a piece of land which SHARE has the option to purchase (subject to the approval of our membership).

So you’re invited to a picnic on Sunday July 23rd, from 11am to 3pm.

The location is near Trevigro, less than 2 miles walk from Golberdon – OR you can meet us at the Recreation field and go by tractor and trailer!

Bring your picnic and rugs or chairs.  We will provide additional snacks and soft drinks. Posters will appear on the Parish noticeboards with full details nearer the time, and SHARE members will receive an email update. Non-members can receive the update too, just let us know if you’re interested –

If you’re not a member of SHARE, and would like to join, you can download a Membership application form (or Associate Membership for those not resident in South Hill Parish) from our web page