Author Archives: AH

Tamara C2C Stage 9 Kelly

August 28th 2024. We were met at Kelly by Warin Kelly and his daughter, who told us about Poison in The Garden. Kelly’s have lived in this house for over 900 years, the church stands next door and they gave us a brief history. We noted the carved 3 hares, deer and Green Man.

The 6 mile walk took us along quiet lanes, across fields, plenty of stock out, and back along the Tamara Way. SWW are putting in a pipe line, all well marked. We stopped at TURCHINGTON snack shack for a cuppa and rest stop. The ground was a bit damp ( 🙂 ) along the forest track, and a bit steep coming back up to Kelly, but the sun was shining , the views amazing and chatter endless.

Once back at Kelly we took the cars a mile along to Bradstone and parked in the expanded car park next to the church and set off a further 3 miles. The track took us down into fields, we should have walked alongside the Tamar, but missed the path (talking too much) and walked through fields and wood back onto the road, a further field and lane back to Bradstone where we met the owner of Bradstone Wedding Venue, what a beautiful place. The church by contrast inside is very plain.

Tamara C2C Stage 8 Werrington

August 24th 2024. Starting at Werrington church, we crossed the road into the field and stopped to enjoy the magnificent views.

The footpath crossed a few fields with interesting stiles and emerged into a farm yard at Mountshire, up the drive and onto the lane, leading us to Tamartown.

The Tamar off to our left. At Bridgetown the incline plane and tow path could be imagined if not seen.

Then around a bend and THE TAMAR came to meet us.

A lovely footpath ran a long a short distance of the river, through a field into a small wooded area and out at Druxton bridge. There has been a bridge at Druxton since 1370, the current bridge has been here since 1662. Compared to Horsebridge 1437.

From here we took the footpath at Crossgate, through fields and eventually out onto the road and returned to the church. We then went the short distance to watch the cricket and a cuppa tea.

September 2024 Connection Newsletter

In this edition:

LATE NEWS Received : Dated 29/08/24

From Salim Mahadik, Gardens of Mercey proposed Muslim burial ground at Maders. This is just to inform you that in a few days we will be submitting the planning application. We have received the Tier 1 Risk Assessment report (copy attached). We also made another presentation last evening to the Rotary Club members of Callington with an updated version of the slides. I am attaching the updated presentation, especially as it includes a few new realistic looking architectural designs, replacing the original ‘glossy’ ones. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Kind regards, Salim.

The Tier 1 Risk Assessment report and the updated presentation have been uploaded and are available on The Connection web site here >  along with their other information.

  • Lots of local events this month
  • Super Tots back after the holidays
  • Parish Hall Harvest Supper 
  • New Advertisers and
  • All our local Advertisers here

Tamara C2C Stage 7. Whitstone to Boyton

Boyton with Norman

Ex policeman Norman gave us a great history of the church, the village and area. There was no war memorial here so Rev’d Medcraft, designed and had a tablet installed in the church, despite objections from the Bishop. It was a bit of a do with the Marquis of Queensbury, who had family ties with Medcraft, preforming the unveiling in 1950.  The font possibly the 2nd oldest in Cornwall. Beautiful stained glass windows and carvings throughout. Like many the screen was removed, saw marks still evident.  A boiler was installed for heating and the flue has a chimney pot on the roof, that must be a 1st.  The 5 bells and roof are only accessible by ladders, no spiral steps at this church, another 1st for us.   We made lots of noise…. Norman has rung in all Cornwall’s churches bar 3, (and many in Devon)  we left him continuing his maintenance jobs and left a car here, and drove to St Anne Whitstone (dont mix up with St Anne, Whitstone, Exeter).   

Ladders no spiral staircase.
5 bells, rung regularly

Whitstone churchyard entrance

Whitstone spring

The church is dedicated to St. Anne although St. Nicholas appears in original records as early as 1309, Nestled in the sloping hillside, the tower is 56 feet high and contains five bells, which we had permission to ring .. the tower was out of bounds due to a birds nest (we’ll be back). The entrance porch has slate on end flooring and a small curious stained glass and barred window into the church. The Holy spring dedicated to the pagan goddess, Anas, inside on the back wall, is a niche with a primitive carved head above. We could also see Marhamchurch church tower.

We saw lots of tractors today,
this was the best.

Rector Richard Buvyle, d.1358, rumoured to be a saint, and a number of cures took place at his grave, which is at a crossroads as thought he committed suicide. The cult spread rapidly throughout North Cornwall and Devon, turning the church into a centre of pilgrimage, The Bishop ordered an inquiry in 1361 and ten remarkable cures were verified by a jury of three vicars, three curates and six laymen specially summoned at Week St. Mary for the purpose. Once ‘official’ the cult seemed to lose interest.

Now our walk starts, heading off pass the school we turned right onto footpaths, a straight line to Nethercott farm, where we met the family looking forward to entering the local agricultural shows. We picked up roads, crossing the B3254 and back on FP through the Beardon estate, and soon back to Boyton, on the TC2C way. 8 miles exactly.

Back in the car we drove to N. Tamerton, the route of the TC2C, and stopped at St Denys church for a cuppa tea, and played snakes and ladders, the bells are currently in storage, so we’ll be back. There’s an arch over the entry gateway, a slate sundial over the porch and Robert Stephen Hawker, vicar of Morwenstow, served as curate here from 1830-1835. The Parish Victory Hall next door.

We drove over the river Tamar, and happened across Michael of Well Farm, where the family have glamping and holiday lets. His wife told us there are no footpaths in the parish. Eventually we drove back to Whitstone to the car and headed home.

Tamara C2C Stage 6 Marhamchurch 

St. Marwenne church stands in the middle of Marhamchurch village alongside the shop, pub, school…  The 15th century oak door and knocker leads onto a chequerboard floor of slates on edge.  Liz gave us a warm welcome and some history then we made lots of noise on the 6 bells before heading off to the shop (toilet) and on our way.

Heading on a quiet lane and along the tow path pass The Orchard to Marsh Farm then picking up the bridleway all the way to Homeleigh Garden Center taking care when crossing the busy road… we didn’t stop until we reached Launcells church. (toilet)

Here we noted how light the church was having plain glass windows. The amazing carved bench ends by the Pinwell sisters. The painting of the team of bell ringers from King George 3rd, 1760.  We sought out the grave of Sir Goldsworthy Gurney inventor 1793 – 1875, to the right of the porch.

The graveyard lead us to Launcells Barton wedding venue then footpaths up to the main road, which we walked for a short distance and crossed again to pick up the path to Hobbacott Down. Lots of history here and the Bude Canal incline plane, an amazing feat of engineering to raise the tug boats. Continuing on FP through Beeston farm and pass the HORSE, to Stert and onto Great Beer farm, picking up the road. Talked to Ashleigh the metal detector, then FP past New Meadow Barn and road back to Marhamchurch shop for a hot cuppa tea sitting outside before rain started spitting and we packed up and headed home. Another great walk and made extra special by the people we walked with and met along the way.  

Beware the dung spreader…. we got lucky.

…………10 miles. August 15th

Post marking Cycle Trail number 3.
125 miles from Landsend.

Tamara C2C Stage 5 Hersham

We dropped a car at Grimscott village hall car park then drove on, and started the walk at Hersham (meaning we didnt have to walk on a busy road) then followed the TC2C on lanes and fields to Launcells church. A couple walkers got distracted by the views and cows at a gateway and fell behind, but we reunited and rushed on to St. Swithin for 11:30am. A little later than our arranged time. Thanks to Helen for the welcome, we were able to make some lovely noise on the 6 bells and we’ll be back here again on our next stage.

Launcells church

For now we headed off along footpaths to Stratton and onto Poughill, an hours walking. Through the fields of Stamford Hill, (where against overwhelming odds at the Battle of Stamford Hill the Parliamentary forces were routed on 16 May 1643).

St Olaf’s has impressive wall paintings, bench ends, medieval south door and roof bosses dating from the 1530s.  Dave welcomed us and covered his ears as we pulled on the bell sally’s then climbed the tower to see the 6 bells and clock and up onto the roof with views stretching before us to Bude, a perfect day for sight seeing. Sir Goldsworthy Gurney brought about the adoption of a Standard Time throughout the country, a plaque above the entry door, records that the clock was placed in the Tower in his memory, by his daughter Anna. More about him later back at Launcells church.

Poughill church



Once we’d wandered through the graves, in the large graveyard, we headed back down to Stratton via Broomhill Lane ……………………………………. arriving at St. Andrews at 2pm and in time for the afternoon cream teas event…

The wooden rood screen was completed in 1907 a fine example of the work of the Pinwell sisters work. We didn’t look for a GREEN MAN, is there one here? we did see the RED DRAGON (also one at St. Sampson’s) We struggled to chime the heavy bells, but enough noise to draw comments. Once we had enjoyed the tea and wonderful cakes and were refuelled, a very friendly crowd were arriving to have their fill. We were thrilled to climb the tower, pass the clock and bells to the top for more spectacular views and could see Launcells church nestled in the trees, and the town below us.

Back along the 7 Bridges walk, we did some lane walking before turning onto a track leading us back to Grimscott .

Around 10 miles. July 31st 2024


More notes: St Olaf the only Anglican church in Cornwall to be dedicated to a foreign king – King Olaf or Olave of Norway, who was born in 995 A.D. and killed in battle with pagans in 1030. Entry door dates to 15th century, complete with ironwork from that time, is still in position, but unable to close. Just above the door is a plaque recording the installation of the church clock in 1889 by Anna Jane Gurney, in memory of her father, the famous Sir Goldsworthy Gurney (1793-1875), builder of Bude Castle, surgeon, scientist and inventor. The font is behind the tower doors inside the tower.  67 medieval carved oak bench ends. 2 wall paintings of St Christopher, carrying the young Jesus across a river. They were discovered in1894 beneath whitewash (the church accounts actually record the “washing out” of the paintings in 1550) and the originals are believed to date from about 1470, although they were then rather garishly “restored” after their re-discovery.

St Andrews Stratton. The oldest part of the structure is the mid-fourteenth century north aisle, with the south aisle, chancel and tower having been added in the fifteenth century. The font precedes these as it has been dated to the twelfth century. On display are the old town stocks and the studded door from Stratton Gaol, with iron nails outlining the word CLINK. A display case contains battlefield relics from the Civil War, found at nearby Stamford Hill, and a copy of a letter sent by Charles 1 to the people of Cornwall, thanking them for their support against parliament. The Lychgate was erected in 1932 using oak from the last wooden warship, HMS Defiance.


Tower captain of St Andrew’s Church Stratton, Jo Barnes, tolled the tenor bell 100 times to commemorate the funeral of HRH Prince Philip at 2pm on Saturday, April 17 2021 This was no mean feat as the bell at St Andrew’s weighs 21 cwt.


Tamara C2C Stage 4 Lwr. Tamar Lakes

We parked for free at Lower Tamar Lakes car park and took the aqueduct trail. The Aqueduct branch of the Bude Canal network [Bude-Holsworthy & Bude-Launceston] supplied water to the canal from Lower Tamar Lake (then Alfardisworthy Lake, named after a nearby hamlet) a reservoir built for that purpose in the 1820s. Later it was used to carry goods as far as the 13 milepost we saw. Later still, it supplied water to Bude until it was replaced by Upper Tamar Lake (built 1973-77). The picnic table we used, is dedicated to Des Shadrick. It is unclear why the border heads west of the Tamar here, but it has been so since at least the 1500s. The “Cape Horn” sign was the name given by bargemen to the almost 180 degree bend at that point.

Coming off the tow path at Morton we’re close again to the Cornwall Devon border. We didn’t see the white donkeys we encountered on the recce. It was a welcome stop at the PIGSDOWN Cafe, maybe we shouldn’t have stayed so long as it started to mizzle before we reached our cars.

A lovely FLAT walk for a change so far on this long distance route.

Visit to Bodmin Materials Recovery Centre

Once cardboard has been offloaded

the plastics container can be opened

and offloaded. 

We were delighted to see how many schools have visited.

Recycling for Charity project volunteers

visited on July 16th 2024 and toured the facility.

Paper baled

After our recycling has been collected by Cornwall council kerbside service, it’s taken to Bodmin Materials Recovery Centre before sending on to the next stage in it’s journey to be recycled. 53 lorries a day drop off recycling here. Cornwall council tell me… Since the new system has started We have collected over 3,000 tonnes of food waste so far and kerbside recycling in South East Cornwall has gone from 36% to 58%.

Paper â€“ goes to recycling companies in Somerset and Kent where it is reprocessed into 100% recycled paper for newsprint and packaging.

Cardboard â€“ is also taken to Somerset and Kent where it is sorted and reprocessed into new cardboard.

DS Smiths (who have a site in Launceston) claim they can turn a cardboard box that has been put out for kerbside collection back into a cardboard box in 14 days.

Steel cans â€“go to Swansea to be made into many different products including cars, bridges and cans.

Aluminium cans and foil â€“ all these go to companies in Swindon and Swansea where they are melted and turned into ingots to be used to make everything from foil trays to aeroplanes.

Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays â€“ a number of different companies take these in Wiltshire, Warwickshire, Kent, Essex and Buckinghamshire where they are sorted, shredded, melted and reused to make things including garden furniture, refuse bags and drainage pipes.

Glass bottles and jars â€“ are first taken to Falmouth port before being shipped to Scunthorpe or Tilbury. A laser sorts by colour and can then be made back into glass bottles and jars.

Clothes & textiles – The Salvation Army collects and sends to JMP Wilcox the largest, textile reclaimers and processors in the UK. Post-consumer clothing is brought to the four-acre site at Bilston, near M6 West Midlands to a purpose-built, fully-computerised sorting and processing unit. Over 99% of the material is reused or recycled and more than 90% is exported around the world. The greatest demand is in Africa, Asia & Eastern Europe. Clothing demand more than doubled between 2000 and 2018, driven by the increased middle class, shorter fashion cycles and garment life.  Many of the items not fit for purpose as reusable clothing become industrial wiping products, flock rags or mixed felt material and stay in the UK.  Putting items in Salvation Army clothes banks goes on the same journey.  

Any decent wearable clothes, shoes, belts should be dropped to charity shops or Fire Fighters yellow skips at fire stations. IMO.

Garden waste â€“ this stays local going to Roche, to compost for agricultural and horticultural use. Sometimes during the year this is given away if you can bag and collect.  

Food waste  â€“ goes to a transfer station at Liskeard to be loaded into lorries to take to Holsworthy to the Anaerobic Digestor which produces energy as well as biogas and digestates ie soil improver and used as a high quality agricultural fertiliser.