Category Archives: In South Hill Parish

South Hill Emergency Support


We have been running the South Hill Emergency support now for 5 weeks and although it started quite slowly we have ended up being quite busy.

The biggest problem in South Hill is the distance between the houses, meaning that during the lockdown we have had to rely on the Great work of the South Hill Parish facebook page and the newsletter to let people know we are here to help. Thank you for this as it has obviously been effective.

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SHARE Update

Investment Offer over-subscribed For the past few years SHARE has offered a fixed-term investment opportunity. This is our means of paying off our capital investment in the 40kW solar PV installation at Church Park, South Hill. Each time, we look to raise a certain amount of capital, spread between as many investors as possible and offer to our members first. We are already over-subscribed for this year. Thank you for your support. Church Park is performing well, in fact much better than our initial cashflow predictions, which is why we can offer 4% interest to our investors. To date the project has generated electricity equivalent to that used per year on average by 4 UK households (4,648kWh). This is a carbon saving of 7.5tonnes CO2e. As a matter of interest I have just read that the average USA household uses 11,700kWh of electricity!

Recycling for Charity suspended due to Covid-19 Please save your items and sort like items together, our volunteers can no longer sort out crisp packets from sweet and biscuit wrappers etc, we need your help. When you have a bag full, drop to Green Meadows.

Climate changing emissions down – CO2 and NOx One positive result of the current pandemic is the huge reduction in “greenhouse gas” emissions globally. Parts of China worst affected by the virus have seen up to 25% less Nitrogen Dioxide in the atmosphere, as observed by NASA on satellite images. The BBC reported that there are observable reductions in CO2 emissions in the UK due to people travelling less, and lower air pollution levels in towns and cities. Perhaps the current enforcement of home working and holding remote meetings will make people realise that not everybody needs to be out on the roads every day.

SHARE in the Community While events were still going ahead, we have been very active in the area spreading the word about SHARE and our projects to various groups from W.I , U3A, Youth Groups and attending a number of Environmental Action Group meetings held by Cornwall Council and local Towns and Parishes.

Firewood and wood chippings available Large trailer load logs £120; dumpy bag logs £60. Dumpy bag chippings £5 Contact Ali 07305 044049

Tree Planting Another 400 trees planted! Thank you to the children that helped plant trees along the verges in the parish.

Stay safe and be sensible  Don’t panic buy, there is plenty to go round. Over buying of fresh food especially could lead to food waste, which we’ve all been trying to cut down on.

Ask if you need help, we’re all in this together.