Author Archives: SAS

SHARE – new investment opportunity

Members may recall that back in May 2016 we offered fixed term Investment Opportunities to members, rather than obtaining commercial loans, at the time the SHARE Church Park Solar PV installation was nearing completion, and again in 2018.

Members were able to directly support SHARE’s aims and the Church Park project, and benefit from a preferential interest rate. At the same time, SHARE was able to obtain funding at lower cost than would have been possible from banks, and the full financial benefits remain within the community. Our 40kW solar installation at Church Park was fully funded by members. Since then, routine interest has been paid, and some loan capital has been repaid. The next substantial repayment of capital is due in June this year.

Therefore we are now able to offer a new opportunity for Members to invest in SHARE by providing new loan funding. The Directors would like this new investment opportunity to be spread as widely available as possible.  Full membership is open to anyone who lives, works or owns property in South Hill, and Associate membership for anyone else interested in our work.

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April 2019 – Church Matters

So, another quirky news article headline catches my eye – “How smart car technology could help you sleep” (Lifestyle section of The Guardian, 24 February). The article speaks about a new development by engineers at Ford, the car-maker. They have adapted the Lane-Keeping technology that can be found in many new cars so that it can be incorporated into a double bed. At this point I have to add that I did check the date of the news article, and yes it was 24 February, not 1 April.

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South Hill Parish Council – March 19th 2019 meeting

Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend to address the council at the start of the meeting with any matters or questions or just sit in and stay for the meeting or leave at any time.

Parish Hall Refurbishment    The Parish Council has worked alongside the Parish Hall Committee to obtain funding to carry out some refurbishment works.  The Hall will be closed for up to six weeks when a new hall floor and heating system will be installed.  Grant funding has been obtained to cover most the costs.  There is a small amount of ground works required for the heating system so this will involve closing the recreation field while a trench is dug and pipes installed.  Notices will be displayed on all entrances but limited access will be allowed to the children’s play area. Although this may cause some inconvenience for a short period of time, the work will give us all a much improved hall for the future.

The next Parish Council meeting on the 16th April 2019 will therefore be held at St Sampsons Church; same time 7.30pm.  Please get in touch if you have any questions.

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Because SHARE loves recycling…

We organised a visit to the SUEZ Bodmin recycling plant for Valentine’s day.  SUEZ are contracted by Cornwall Council, together with Biffa and SITA, to deal with our recycling and other general waste.

The Bodmin recycling facility sorts the different items which we put in our recycling bags. When you put your steel, aluminium and plastic in one bag, the Bodmin plant has an automatic sorter to separate these, coupled with people just checking that the whole sorting process goes as it should. First, the metal gets separated from the plastic, and consequently the steel and aluminium are separated by their magnetic properties.

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Some of you might not know what Face Yoga is, others may already know or might have seen the recent programme on TV Twinstitute where the twin doctors tried Face Yoga and a £1000 facial and scientifically tested the results. In just one month Face Yoga made them look 3 years younger than the £1000 facial!

Weekly classes are starting at The Old School, South Hill Parish Hall, Golberdon and Pensilva Hall after Easter. The classes are run by Lilian Jones. It combines facial exercises, acupressure, massage, relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques for your mind, body and soul.

It’s a natural way to make you look and feel younger and healthier. As an aromatherapist Lilian will mix specific oils that improve the quality of your skin. Lilian has been practising yoga for nearly forty years and a teacher for about fourteen years. So Face Yoga is putting all the skills into practice. Come along and do something for yourself. Relax and look forward to more youthful looks as you turn back the age clock.

Classes cost £6 each or £50 if you book 10.

Starting at Golberdon Village Hall                 10.15 am     Wednesday 24th April 2019

      The Old School, Stoke Climsland    6.00 pm    Thursday 25th April 2019(tbc)

       Pensilva Village Hall                    10.30 am     Monday 29th April 2019

An opportunity to make a difference for the future

There has been a Christian presence in South Hill, serving this local community for over 1000 years, and St Sampson’s Church at South Hill is a special place for many people.  At the community meeting in November people gave over fifty reasons why St Sampson’s is special. These included: ‘a sacred space of Christian worship’, ‘family connections’, ‘the heritage’, ‘part of our history’, ‘a peaceful haven’, ‘thriving congregation’, ‘focal point and heart of the community’, ‘another venue for community use’, ‘a beautiful place of friendship and joy’, ‘a community asset’.

Our parish church is a Grade 1 listed medieval building.  It has a wealth of history attached to it, including being the possible site of the monastery founded by St Sampson in the 6th century and having been Bishop Trelawney’s first parish.  There are lots of things of historical importance both inside and outside the church, such as the 6th century standing stone, the carved apostles on the tower, and the font, which was part of an older church on the site.  At the moment the church is open during daylight hours for anyone to visit and it is an oasis of peace. It would be a such a shame if it was lost to future generations.

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St Sampson’s Unlocked

Time to clear out your shed or loft?

Don’t skip it, Your junk might be someone else’s treasure and it could raise much needed funds for St Sampson‘s Unlocked Project.  Beech Auctions have kindly agreed to sell items in aid of St Sampson’s Church.  This will all help towards making the Church, warm, dry and draught-free with a toilet and kitchen facility.  All you have to do is take your items to Beech auctions (see their web site for details of when and tell them it is for St Sampson’s. Or give me a ring or e mail and if it is not too big I will collect it. 

Judith Ayers  –  07748773416  –

easy fundraising could bring in much needed funds through online shopping,
Please sign up if you shop online.  Every little helps, it really is easy and costs you nothing.
For more info and to support contact Judith Ayers 01579 384617

St Sampson’s Unlocked Vintage Fete  – Tombola

Saturday 15th June 2019

Are you able to donate a prize for the Tombola Stall please?

Prizes required– from shampoo to champagne, preserves to prosecco.  Donations gratefully received – food items such as cans of soup, sauces, noodles, pasta, etc. also small gifts.

Please drop off any donations to:

Sue Tunnicliffe at Windmills, South Hill (leave in porch) tel: 07493 88455
Or Marilyn Tasker at Lambertswell, Golberdon tel: 01579 382849
OR inside St Sampson’s Church porch

Gardens Open in South Hill for National Gardens Scheme

On Sunday 12th May, two South Hill gardens, Anvil Cottage and Windmills, will again be opening their gardens for charity under the National Gardens Scheme from 1.30 to 5 pm.  This year, half of the proceeds will be given to St Sampson’s church as well as to national charities such as Macmillan Cancer Support. 

Anvil Cottage garden is largely the creation of Barbara Clemerson, who for many years wrote a gardening feature for the South Hill Connection.  Windmills is mainly the work of Peter Tunnicliffe who has transformed the garden originally created by Dave Moren. 

The two gardens, which were featured in ‘Cornwall Today’ in 2016, are adjoining, and a combined entrance fee of £5 gets you into both of them.  There will be home-made teas and, of course, plants for sale. For more details and pictures go online to

59th South Hill Horticultural Show, get your schedule here

Everybody has a skill… do YOU grow tasty fruit, perfect vegetables, perfect blooms?  Do you enjoy baking or photography?  Or are you handy with a needle and thread, or a paintbrush?  Whatever your hobby, you could win a prize at the South Hill Horticultural Show on August 18th 2018.

This year we also have a Dog Show and a Duck Race, both organised by Callington Young Farmers Club, raising money for St Luke’s Hospice, show funds and Club funds.

PLUS a CAR BOOT SALE, Bring your items to sell or donate for us to sell, raising money for the Parish Hall Funds, a FIVER a pitch >> contact or Ali 384544

Full details in the Show schedule – get yours here…

“And Some Came Home” – support project now

Esme and Seth Blaze show their support for Callington Town Band’s Community project, ‘And Some Came Home’, when they put their tokens in the Town Band ‘Bags of Help’ slot at Callington Tesco.  With just a week or so to go they are hoping that the Town Band, in which both their parents play, will be a worthy winner.

And remember that you can support the project in other ways by coming along to the first Singing Workshop in Callington Town Hall at 10am on July 21st or by volunteering to act.  Contact Shirley Morse (01579 360336 or for more information.

This is the first event in the re-running of ‘And Some Came Home’, the successful community commemoration of WW1 that was first performed in 2014.

With a cast of local singers, actors and musicians the 2018 performances will take place in the Town Hall on October 26th and 27th with free admission.

If you can’t make it to the first session and would like to take part in any capacity then please contact Shirley Morse now on 01579 350336 or