South Hill Parish Council – March 19th 2019 meeting

Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend to address the council at the start of the meeting with any matters or questions or just sit in and stay for the meeting or leave at any time.

Parish Hall Refurbishment    The Parish Council has worked alongside the Parish Hall Committee to obtain funding to carry out some refurbishment works.  The Hall will be closed for up to six weeks when a new hall floor and heating system will be installed.  Grant funding has been obtained to cover most the costs.  There is a small amount of ground works required for the heating system so this will involve closing the recreation field while a trench is dug and pipes installed.  Notices will be displayed on all entrances but limited access will be allowed to the children’s play area. Although this may cause some inconvenience for a short period of time, the work will give us all a much improved hall for the future.

The next Parish Council meeting on the 16th April 2019 will therefore be held at St Sampsons Church; same time 7.30pm.  Please get in touch if you have any questions.

The allotment plots are all occupied with some new tenants starting on the 1st April 2019.  If anyone is interested in an allotment please let me know as we do hold a waiting list and we never know when a plot will become vacant.

Footpaths  The Council have waited for some considerable time to obtain materials from Cormac to repair stiles and signage on our public rights of way.  We are assured these materials will arrive soon to allow us to carry out the work prior to the summer season.  The Council are now registered to allow volunteers to carry out work on our paths so please give me a call, or contact Cllr Andrew Budd if you are interested.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 15th May 2019.  This will be hosted by the Parish Council and held in the Hall at 7.30pm.  Please come along and meet your Councillors.  We also hope to have reports from local organisations in the parish, the local Police Community Support Officer and Cornwall Councillor.  Although members of the public are welcome to attend any Parish Council meeting this seminar will give everyone the opportunity to have an open or private discussion on any matters concerning you and your parish.  This may be anything from the speed of traffic, public transport or a problem in the children’s play area.  We hope to make this an annual event so please try and support the evening – and enjoy some tea and biscuits.

Jenny Hoskin
Parish Clerk

PC website  Names and contact details for all Councillors are listed on the website.  Agendas are also displayed on the parish notice boards.

Jenny Hoskin                                               Cllr David Skelton
Parish Clerk                                                 Chairman
Telephone: 01208 72789                          Telephone: 01579 382397

Next Meeting: 16th April 2019 at St Sampson’s Church (note change of venue)