Category Archives: Fundraising

Stoke Climsland Free Concert

On Saturday 25th April, the Callington Singers will be giving a free concert in Stoke Climsland Church. The concert will incorporate lots of joyful music under the general theme of the coming of summer. The programme will include Vivaldi’s Magnificat, along with some madrigals, the Hallelujah Chorus and an original setting of the Jubilate, composed by our new Musical Director, Andrew Wilson. The Callington Singers has a long tradition of making music freely accessible to the community. It is our policy to strive, wherever possible, to give concerts completely free of charge. This is not always practical, as there are many expenses to cover, such as venue hire, publicity and the fees of hired musicians. The choir rely on a retiring collection after each concert to cover these costs. We are very pleased to be working again with Stoke Climsland Parish Church. The Callington Cluster (incorporating churches in Stoke Climsland, Linkinhorne, Callington and South Hill) have the admirable policy of hiring out these churches free of charge, which makes our job of providing free music very much easier.

The free venue and delightful surroundings are not the only reason we are pleased to be performing in Stoke Climsland church again. We also enjoy performing there as an unofficial honour to an important character from Stoke Climsland’s past, who strived as we do, to provide music in his community and who would be familiar with most of the music we are to perform on this occasion; namely Thomas Calvert, gentleman of Stoke Climsland. The impressive memorial to Thomas Calvert appears prominently in the foyer of Stoke Climsland Church: In Memory of Mr Thomas Calvert Late of this parish who in the year 1746 First introduced into this Church four part Psalmody and with Indefatigable Pains and perseverance not only encouraged but in a great measure supported it with great Reputation upwards of 30 years He Was an Honest Man a Kind Master a Sincere Friend And a good Christian He departed this life at Plymouth on June 3rd 1781 in the 71st year of his Age. Although described as being ‘of the parish of Stoke Climsland’, Thomas Calvert was born in Moor Monkton, just outside of York. He was the firstborn son of Joseph and Elizabeth Calvert (née Hunter) and was baptised on the 18th August 1710. How he came to be a pillar of the Stoke Climsland community is a complete mystery. He married a local girl, but had no children. He was employed as Coroner for Cornwall in 1756 and retired from this post in 1776. He spent his last months living in St. Germans (where he made his will) and he was buried in Stoke Climsland churchyard.

His contribution to village life is undeniable. Mr. Calvert’s promotion of four part psalmody singing reflects the growing popularity, at this period, of incorporating music into church services and we owe him a debt of gratitude for the continuing tradition of choral singing which is enjoyed in this country. The ‘Indefatigable Pains and Perseverance’ which are quoted on Thomas Calvert’s memorial stone are aptly illustrated here in a transcript of an extract from the Vestry minutes of Stoke Climsland. Any modern Musical Director will doubtless recognise the inherent challenges facing him. Vestry Minutes from 28th of November 1773: A Letter was read from Mr Thomas Calvert, setting forth the disappointments he has meet [sic] with in his frequent Attendance on the Singing owing to irregularity & Refractioness of many of the numbers, and Declaring that he wou’d not think of Attending many more unless the whole Body wou’d enter into an Obligation Consisting of Several Conditions which he propos’d for the better keeping up & bringing to perfec[ti]on & carrying on with Psalmody to the promotion of Religion and Harmony [in] the Performers; Observing at the same time however that the Parishioners who were the Singers had been at much trouble in Learning & many of them were put to Inconvenience by their Attendance & moreover that few or none has Books & others in general very bad; Proposing therefore as an Encouragement & Countenance to those who wou’d enter into & sign an Association to continue & practice the singing for three years, that the Parish at Large should contribute something towards purchasing proper Books, & defraying other Expenses, in which He, Mr Calvert wou’d also contribute & Mr & Mrs Call had also promis’d. The Members of the Vestry taking the premises with Consideration & being sensible of Mr Calverts Obliging Attendance & Trouble for many years, in promoting & assisting the singing & in doing many other Beneficial Acts to the Church, Do unanimously Agree, that the sum of Six Guineas out of the Church Rates be allow’d from Xmas 1773 to Xmas 1774 to be paid to Mr Calvert by the Churchwardens & laid out by him as he judges may best promote the good order, regularity & continuation of Psalmody, provided that the singers will all enter into such a Bond as he proposes, this contribution to be for one year only at this expiration of which the Parishioners will Continue or revoke it as they See it has Promoted, or Disappointed the End Propos’d.

We sincerely hope that Thomas Calvert would approve and enjoy this upcoming concert, as we also hope you will. Stoke Climsland church will shortly undergo a major refurbishment of the church roof, which we hope will go forward without a hitch. Come and help us raise the roof before it is repaired by joining us for a splendid evening of music on 25th April at 7pm.

An opportunity to make a difference for the future

There has been a Christian presence in South Hill, serving this local community for over 1000 years, and St Sampson’s Church at South Hill is a special place for many people.  At the community meeting in November people gave over fifty reasons why St Sampson’s is special. These included: ‘a sacred space of Christian worship’, ‘family connections’, ‘the heritage’, ‘part of our history’, ‘a peaceful haven’, ‘thriving congregation’, ‘focal point and heart of the community’, ‘another venue for community use’, ‘a beautiful place of friendship and joy’, ‘a community asset’.

Our parish church is a Grade 1 listed medieval building.  It has a wealth of history attached to it, including being the possible site of the monastery founded by St Sampson in the 6th century and having been Bishop Trelawney’s first parish.  There are lots of things of historical importance both inside and outside the church, such as the 6th century standing stone, the carved apostles on the tower, and the font, which was part of an older church on the site.  At the moment the church is open during daylight hours for anyone to visit and it is an oasis of peace. It would be a such a shame if it was lost to future generations.

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St Sampson’s Unlocked

Time to clear out your shed or loft?

Don’t skip it, Your junk might be someone else’s treasure and it could raise much needed funds for St Sampson‘s Unlocked Project.  Beech Auctions have kindly agreed to sell items in aid of St Sampson’s Church.  This will all help towards making the Church, warm, dry and draught-free with a toilet and kitchen facility.  All you have to do is take your items to Beech auctions (see their web site for details of when and tell them it is for St Sampson’s. Or give me a ring or e mail and if it is not too big I will collect it. 

Judith Ayers  –  07748773416  –

easy fundraising could bring in much needed funds through online shopping,
Please sign up if you shop online.  Every little helps, it really is easy and costs you nothing.
For more info and to support contact Judith Ayers 01579 384617

St Sampson’s Unlocked Vintage Fete  – Tombola

Saturday 15th June 2019

Are you able to donate a prize for the Tombola Stall please?

Prizes required– from shampoo to champagne, preserves to prosecco.  Donations gratefully received – food items such as cans of soup, sauces, noodles, pasta, etc. also small gifts.

Please drop off any donations to:

Sue Tunnicliffe at Windmills, South Hill (leave in porch) tel: 07493 88455
Or Marilyn Tasker at Lambertswell, Golberdon tel: 01579 382849
OR inside St Sampson’s Church porch

Church meeting Nov 26th

St Sampson’s Unlocked. Cherished, Restored, Unlocked, Church

St Sampson’s Community meeting Monday 26th November 2018

A great turnout with a packed hall and apologies from another 30 people who couldn’t be there. There were representatives from; The Parish Council, SHARE, WI, Horticultural Society, St Sampson’s PCC, Golberdon girls’ choir, Hall committee, Zumba group, playgroup and from neighbouring local churches. Many thanks to Rev Annabel King who started the meeting and Simon Crosbie from the architect team and Peter Tulloch our photographer. It was a very productive evening, with lots of support shown for the project.

The meeting began with a rousing rendition of the Cornish anthem “Trelawney” and we enjoyed seeing the amazing painting of Lady Trelawney which was kindly lent to us for the evening and the image of Bishop Trelawney given with kind permission from Truro museum. The importance of these esteemed figures being that South Hill was Bishop Trelawney’s first parish when he became a parish priest. Our fabulous quilt depicting St Sampson, made by the South Hill Piece makers group was also displayed along with a wonderful banner created by the local toddler group JAMM.

The importance of community support was stressed, not just in terms of fundraising but in the community demonstrating that they wanted the St Sampson Unlocked project to go ahead.   Continue reading

September Connection Update

– Sept 2nd CIRCUS FUNTASTIC in aid of Macmillan, Saltash Rd Recreation Field, Callington. Seats £6, Kids under 2 free.  Book on 07447 986900 Show times: Wed 29th 7pm, Thursday & Friday 4pm & 7pm (Thursday Special Family Ticket 20). Sat 2pm & 5pm Sunday 1pm & 3:30pm  

Saturday 8th Sept CALLINGTON CARNIVAL – procession starts from Saltash Road car park, 4:30pm  

Saturday 15th Sept  HARVEST SUPPER, 7:30pm start at The Parish Hall Committee HARVEST SUPPER. Tickets are on sale now, please phone Liz 383202 to reserve your seats. If you are unable to attend and wish to support with a raffle prize or item for the Auction or a donation, please drop off at Green Meadows or phone Ali 384544 for collection. Thank you.

 Wednesday 19th Sept    SHARE AGM, 7:30pm at the Parish Hall Golberdon. South Hill Association for Renewable Energy 3rd AGM. Members and potential new members all welcome to hear about another busy and successful year for the group. Exciting news from M&S Energy, upcoming visits and discuss future projects. Light refreshments available so please email if you plan to attend, alternatively send your apologies and any ideas, thoughts or items for discussion.

 Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th Sept – walking THE SAINTS WAY  from Padstow to Fowey (28 miles ish). If you would like to join us for the whole walk or a part,  let Ali know ASAP Thank You

 Friday 28th Sept                MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING, from 10:30am until 1pm. Lucy Penney is holding a coffee morning at Polhilsa Farm, PL17 8PP (kind permission of the Barriball family) Coffee, cake, games and raffle… Even have a walk around the ponds! All welcome, bring your friends. For any more info please email: 

 Other News:

The Horticultural Show write up and pictures are on the Connection web site here.  

Planning – On August 24th the South Hill Parish Council met to discuss the recent planning application at “The Bee Farm” Trevigro. About 20 parishioners also attended to voice their views. The full details can be read on the Cornwall Council Planning Portal here…  

 South Hill Parish History group. Thank you to Magda for stepping forward to get the group started. If you are interested email ….. PLUS what would YOU like to discover more about? Reply to this email with your suggestions. Or if you have photos or information to share email  

If you know of an event you’d like to share or have an article for the next newsletter due Oct 1st, please send to  Thank you.


59th South Hill Horticultural Show, get your schedule here

Everybody has a skill… do YOU grow tasty fruit, perfect vegetables, perfect blooms?  Do you enjoy baking or photography?  Or are you handy with a needle and thread, or a paintbrush?  Whatever your hobby, you could win a prize at the South Hill Horticultural Show on August 18th 2018.

This year we also have a Dog Show and a Duck Race, both organised by Callington Young Farmers Club, raising money for St Luke’s Hospice, show funds and Club funds.

PLUS a CAR BOOT SALE, Bring your items to sell or donate for us to sell, raising money for the Parish Hall Funds, a FIVER a pitch >> contact or Ali 384544

Full details in the Show schedule – get yours here…

SHARE Update June 2018

The SHARE Guide to Saving Energy in the Home


SHARE has delivered this handy FREE booklet to all households in South Hill Parish.  It’s full of tips and advice from the Energy Saving Trust to help you save energy AND money.  Use it to reduce your bills AND your carbon footprint.

For example – DID YOU KNOW…?

You can save around £30 a year just by turning your appliances off stand-by mode!  Your TV, your laptop power supply, your phone charger – they don’t use much power but if they’re on 24/7 it adds up to a lot.

You can also read the Guide online at

Just in case we’ve missed anybody out…  If you live in the parish and haven’t seen the booklet, please email or phone and we’ll deliver one to you.

Good News!  Investment offer over-subscribed.

Our recent investment offer was very well received by the membership.  The investment is a 2-year fixed term loan to SHARE which will pay 4% interest annually – better than any bank or building society.

About a quarter of members expressed an interest in the offer, and of those more than half decided to invest.  As a result, we were offered more money than we needed, so we scaled back the amount we will borrow from each lender.

The money raised is used to finance our solar PV installation at Church Park, South Hill, which has been in operation for 22 months and is performing even better than our original forecast.


SHARE is proud to support St Sampson’s Church in their application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.  Improvements planned for the church include the addition of toilet and kitchen facilities.  This will be a green community initiative, using renewable, sustainable and locally sourced materials where possible.

We are also supporting the Parish Hall committee with their bid for funding from the Big Lottery Fund which, if successful, will enable the installation of a new kitchen, and battery storage to make better use of power generated by the solar panels on the Hall roof.  SHARE will encourage the use of energy-efficient appliances and an instant hot water boiler to replace the power-hungry tea urn.

Wi-fi disconnection?

With help from the Parish Council, SHARE has been paying for the fibre broadband and wi-fi connection at the Parish Hall in Golberdon, using income from the solar PV panels on the Hall roof (which we share 50:50 with the Parish Hall committee).  BUT…  our BT contract is now coming to an end, BT want to almost double the cost, and the Parish Council have said they can no longer contribute.  What do we do?  Our share of the income from the solar PV is not enough to cover BT’s aggressive price increase, so we are looking at alternatives.  It would be a shame if we had to abandon this valuable asset to the community.

Do YOU use the wi-fi service at the Hall?  Please let us know if this is important to you.

Planned visit to Plymouth Incinerator

This is still on the cards.  Details to follow.

February email update


Pub Quiz – this is now being held regularly again at the Church House Inn, Linkinhorne, on the last Thursday of each month, 7.30pm for 8pm start.  The February quiz will be on Thursday 22nd (tomorrow)

The Young Farmers charity DUNG SALE is this Saturday EMAIL or phone Cat Ede to book your order. 07900381890

Saturday evening. BEETLE DRIVE 7pm start Parish Hall Golberdon. £3 per person including refreshments. In aid of the Parish Horticultural Society. 

SHARE will be planting our free tree whips on Saturday 24th. We’re looking for youngsters and others to help so please get involved, meet at the Golberdon play park at 9:45am. Thank you. If you have reserved trees these will be available to collect on Saturday from Green Meadows. Mike will be here.(watching the rugby). If you haven’t confirmed you want any trees yet. DO IT NOW. Thank You. Email or phone Ali 384544

The woodland visit to Trematon has now be confirmed for next Monday 26th, car sharing from Green Meadows at 10am. Join us as we visit a young mixed species wood, plus an established wood which has had no management and another which is described as “the most beautiful wood I’ve ever seen” and reaches down to the beach on the north side of the Lynher.  All welcome email for numbers or phone Sue 382397.

Parish Hall Wi-Fi (SHARE In Our Community) – there is currently a fault with the broadband connection at the Parish Hall.  It seems to have failed just after midnight on Tuesday 20th Feb.  We are looking into it and hope to get it reinstated as soon as possible.  As far as we know this is the first time this has happened.  Do you use the Hall wi-fi service?  If you have had any issues, please let us know by emailing

Ultra fast fibre Broadband to the premises is now available from Cabinet number 4 and covers South Hill, Mornick, Lansugle and Trewassick.  If you make enquiries and find out any more, please email so we can let others know.

Tenders are invited to contact the Parish Council for grass cutting and strimming in the recreational field, see the PC web site for details.

Parish Council reminder: All roadside hedge-trimming should be completed by the end of February 2018.

The Parish Hall floor needs replacing. Funds need to be raised and quotes for the work. Contact Chair Nick Easton with suggestions.

There are a couple Eastern European men with a white Ford Transit van registration number NJO3 RKA in the area stealing what they can. They targeted this area last year and have come back. Keep your eyes peeled and call the police if you see anything suspicious. GOOD NEWS…  we understand that these two unsavoury characters have now been arrested.

Power The Night With Sunlight


from M&S Energy

South Hill Parish Hall in Golberdon has set its sights on using sunlight
– at night!

‘Power the Night with Sunlight’ – South Hill Association for Renewable Energy from Stuart Bailey on Vimeo.

SHARE (South Hill Association for Renewable Energy) community benefit group have applied for an M&S Energy Grant to install a Tesla Power Wall in the Parish Hall at Golberdon.

This will enable the energy generated from the solar panels to be stored for later use and dramatically help with heating and running costs, helping to keep the hall a viable and attractive venue.

Voting is finished now.  Thank you to all who voted for us and pledged money for our wonderful rewards.

We will hear on November 6th whether we have been successful with our bid

Collecting votes at M&S Plymouth

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SHARE Update

South Hill Association for Renewable Energy
Community Group


We are pleased to announce that SHARE has been shortlisted for funding from the M&S Energy Community Energy Fund.  This year £300,000 will be awarded to support renewable energy projects and technologies across the UK.  Last year 25 projects received funding, and this year we hope to earn our share.

The project we are proposing is to install a Tesla Powerwall 2 energy store at the Parish Hall to take full advantage of the roof-top solar PV system. At present, this is only of direct use to Hall users during the day, and excess generation is exported to the National Grid.  With batteries, energy could be stored and used during the evenings too.  This is particularly exciting in view of the recent announcement by the government that they plan to support the further development of battery technology for this purpose.

The judges base their decisions partly on the merit of the project, but also on support from the public. The voting and crowdfunding stage will take place in September and October.  Our fund –raiser, Astrid Fischer, has just started working on the next stage of the M&S bid.  A small team is already helping her to expand support for our project.  If you are able to help please step forward.

AGM – Thursday September 21st 2017, 7:30pm Continue reading