Category Archives: Church

Church Matters

giraffe coffeeHere’s a joke my daughter recently told me: person 1 – “When a giraffe drinks a cup of coffee, the coffee gets cold by the time it reaches the bottom of its neck. Do you ever think about that?”; person 2 – “No”; person 1 – “And that’s just it isn’t it – you only think about yourself.”

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Christmas With East Cornwall Bach Choir

East Cornwall Bach Choir presents:

A Christmas Celebration

including music by Bob Chilcott, and many others, old and new

East Cornwall Bach Choir

Conductor: Paul Ellis

Pianist: Jonathan Watts

7.30 pm Saturday 13th December 2014

St Petroc’s Church, Bodmin

Tickets available from Bodmin TIC (01208 76616) and Liskeard TIC (01579 349148), online at ,  and at the door.   Adults: £14, Full-time students: £7, School-children: free

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Church Matters, November 2014

TheRevAs we move into the Christmas season once again our thoughts are likely to turn to Christmas trees, decorations, food, presents and (perhaps) being with the family. Christmas is a time of celebration, whether you are religious or not, a time of special things even for those working on a tight budget. Many will say it’s a time mainly for the children, and there can be truth in this when you see the face of a child that is lit up by the excitement and wonder of it all. But I think as you get older, perhaps slowing down a bit, you begin to savour the specialness in a different way – not outright excitement, but a sense of quiet delight, particularly if friends and family are gathered round.

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Neighbourhood Planning update

A Community Day was hosted by the Neighbourhood Planning Team at the parish hall in Golberdon on Saturday the 21st  September. 

setting up

Setting Up in the Parish Hall

The original idea for the event came from a suggestion by Cat Ede, and we would like to say a big thank you to her for this excellent idea.

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Church Matters

TheRevSo, at the end of October the Halloween season will be upon us once again. The season often causes confusion for many Christians and churches as they wrestle with something that seems intrinsically “dark”, but that within society has generally come to be seen as just a bit of fun. While many families who might engage with the Halloween celebrations and costumes may not go in for the mischievous “trick or treat” aspects, I’ve known of people (particularly the elderly) who are very fearful of responding to a ring on the doorbell on Halloween – fearful of what they may find and what could happen. It might be a bit over the top to equate trick or treat with the legalese of “threatening with menace”, but the effects on some people in their homes can be quite intimidating.

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Church Matters August 2014

TheRevSo we approach the holiday season when, hopefully, we’ll have the opportunity to take our foot off the gas a little and step back from the usual things of our lives. Whether the “usual things” are a full time job coupled with the struggle to maintain a balanced home/family life, or perhaps being home based looking after children, or perhaps dealing with the (busy?) schedule of retirement, or something in between all these scenarios, it’s always good to have a change in routine – a time when you can give space to something different.  Sometimes you find the space achieved – getting off the treadmill – allows you to reflect on life in general, and maybe come to some conclusions about the things that are good, and not so good, in our lives. The space to think might lead you to embark upon a change for the future – it can be both a creative and risky process!

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Church Matters June 2014

“Could the last person to leave the church please turn out the lights.”

TheRevAt the time of writing this article I’m sitting in the restaurant of IKEA in Glasgow, just having consumed the obligatory cup of coffee and slice of chocolate almond cake. The quote comes from the front cover of the New Scientist magazine, 3 May. I spotted it on the drive up to Glasgow – my wife Pam and I are visiting our daughter who now lives in the city. The visit also affords a break from parish life – a time to reflect on life in general and the things going on in society. The past months have been fertile ground as far as the press and national debate on religion is concerned – one minute we’re declared a Christian country by David Cameron, the next we’re hailed as a progressive pluralist/secularist nation with no place for the Christian faith in public life. Continue reading

Open For Business

TheRevSo, Easter is nearly upon us.  As a child and from my youth I can remember always liking Easter – it was somewhat second behind Christmas in terms of “looked forward to” events, but only because Christmas presents surpassed chocolate in excitement value.  On the Eggs front, my favourite has always been Cadbury’s Chocolate Buttons – a simple little number with exquisite taste, unadulterated by fondant fillings and rectangular shapes.  I think a Buttons Egg is for the purists among us.  And then there was the challenge of separating the two halves of the egg without breaking them, followed by the dilemma of what do you eat first – egg half or bag of buttons? Continue reading