December 23rd 2024 Confirmation of Withdrawn Application. They could reapply of course… the petition will stay open.

December 1st 2024 Petition started objecting to the proposed planning application. You can sign and share here.

Saturday 30th November 2024 Notice posted. Dated 29th November.

Parish Council meeting November 19th 2024. Objections to the planning applications.
We respectfully submit the following grounds for objecting to the proposed cemetery development in South Hill Parish:
- Inappropriate Development and Lack of Community Need: The proposed cemetery represents development of an unsuitable scale and form for South Hill Parish, as it does not meet the needs of the local community and lacks support from the policies outlined in the neighbourhood plan.
- Loss of Agricultural Land and Environmental Impact: This development would lead to the loss of valuable agricultural land, reducing carbon sequestration and negatively affecting local biodiversity. The change in land use raises serious environmental concerns, particularly in relation to South Hill Parish’s commitment to sustainability.
- Increased Traffic and Road Safety Concerns: The site entrance is 1.2 km from the nearest public transport access point, along narrow, unlit roads with a national speed limit and no footways. The additional private vehicle traffic generated by this proposal would significantly increase road mileage, conflicting with our parish’s objective to reduce its carbon footprint and Cornwall Council’s hierarchy of sustainable transport options for new developments.
- Risk to Groundwater and Local Water Supplies: There are significant concerns about the impact of the proposed development on groundwater conditions, which could pose risks to nearby water wells and boreholes that supply water to households and livestock. There are nine such water sources within close proximity to the site, and any contamination or depletion could have serious consequences for local residents and agricultural operations.
- Lack of Demonstrated Need: The application does not address a specific need, as there are already eight dedicated cemetery sites serving Devon and Cornwall. This development is unnecessary and does not fill a gap in local or regional provision.
In light of these concerns we believe the proposed cemetery is not in the best interests of South Hill Parish and as such wish to register our objection.
This response was proposed, seconded and passed unanimously by the council.
The meeting on November 5th was attended by around 125 local residents, and 7? GoM members. The Parish Council made note of the comments made and will finalise their response at the next PC meeting on November 19th and encouraged people to make their comments on line … follow this link… PA24/06942 | Change of use of land from agricultural grazing to a green burial ground, associated with soft landscaping, green pathways, green parking area, re-erecting the existing shed and enhancing the existing access | Land North East Of Meadowside South Hill Road Callington Cornwall PL17 7LH
November 5th public meeting

07/09/24 We submitted the application yesterday. I have attached a document containing all the details of the proposal that we provided in the application. We hope that the details of our proposal, as shown in the document, will help to further alleviate people’s apprehensions and help gain the local community’s support for our project. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information. Kind regards Salim.
29/08/24 UPDATE …. in a few days we will be submitting the planning application. We have received the Tier 1 Risk Assessment report (copy attached). We also made another presentation last evening to the Rotary Club members of Callington with an updated version of the slides. I am attaching the updated presentation, especially as it includes a few new realistic looking architectural designs, replacing the original ‘glossy’ ones. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Salim
Here is the updated presentation given to the Callington Rotary club followed by the Tier I Risk Assessment report sent to me today.
Following the spotting of a typing error the Tier 1 report has been updated. 2/9/24
Download The presentation by GoM on July 2nd at The Parish hall, Golberdon. The Presentation mentions Pentiddy a few times. You can see a map and more information here….
JULY 2nd 7:45pm. There will be a public meeting at the Parish Hall Golberdon PL177ND, when everyone is invited to hear about the proposed development in Maders for a Muslim only natural burial ground, following the recent purchase of 10 acres by The Gardens of Mercy charity.

On Tuesday June 18th GoM members spoke at the South Hill Parish meeting, public session (and handed out the FAQ above).
On Tuesday June 25th GoM members spoke at Callington Town Council meeting, no questions were permitted.