August 24th 2024. Starting at Werrington church, we crossed the road into the field and stopped to enjoy the magnificent views.
The footpath crossed a few fields with interesting stiles and emerged into a farm yard at Mountshire, up the drive and onto the lane, leading us to Tamartown.

The Tamar off to our left. At Bridgetown the incline plane and tow path could be imagined if not seen.
Then around a bend and THE TAMAR came to meet us.

A lovely footpath ran a long a short distance of the river, through a field into a small wooded area and out at Druxton bridge. There has been a bridge at Druxton since 1370, the current bridge has been here since 1662. Compared to Horsebridge 1437.

From here we took the footpath at Crossgate, through fields and eventually out onto the road and returned to the church. We then went the short distance to watch the cricket and a cuppa tea.