Category Archives: Church

An opportunity to make a difference for the future

There has been a Christian presence in South Hill, serving this local community for over 1000 years, and St Sampson’s Church at South Hill is a special place for many people.  At the community meeting in November people gave over fifty reasons why St Sampson’s is special. These included: ‘a sacred space of Christian worship’, ‘family connections’, ‘the heritage’, ‘part of our history’, ‘a peaceful haven’, ‘thriving congregation’, ‘focal point and heart of the community’, ‘another venue for community use’, ‘a beautiful place of friendship and joy’, ‘a community asset’.

Our parish church is a Grade 1 listed medieval building.  It has a wealth of history attached to it, including being the possible site of the monastery founded by St Sampson in the 6th century and having been Bishop Trelawney’s first parish.  There are lots of things of historical importance both inside and outside the church, such as the 6th century standing stone, the carved apostles on the tower, and the font, which was part of an older church on the site.  At the moment the church is open during daylight hours for anyone to visit and it is an oasis of peace. It would be a such a shame if it was lost to future generations.

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St Sampson’s Unlocked

Time to clear out your shed or loft?

Don’t skip it, Your junk might be someone else’s treasure and it could raise much needed funds for St Sampson‘s Unlocked Project.  Beech Auctions have kindly agreed to sell items in aid of St Sampson’s Church.  This will all help towards making the Church, warm, dry and draught-free with a toilet and kitchen facility.  All you have to do is take your items to Beech auctions (see their web site for details of when and tell them it is for St Sampson’s. Or give me a ring or e mail and if it is not too big I will collect it. 

Judith Ayers  –  07748773416  –

easy fundraising could bring in much needed funds through online shopping,
Please sign up if you shop online.  Every little helps, it really is easy and costs you nothing.
For more info and to support contact Judith Ayers 01579 384617

St Sampson’s Unlocked Vintage Fete  – Tombola

Saturday 15th June 2019

Are you able to donate a prize for the Tombola Stall please?

Prizes required– from shampoo to champagne, preserves to prosecco.  Donations gratefully received – food items such as cans of soup, sauces, noodles, pasta, etc. also small gifts.

Please drop off any donations to:

Sue Tunnicliffe at Windmills, South Hill (leave in porch) tel: 07493 88455
Or Marilyn Tasker at Lambertswell, Golberdon tel: 01579 382849
OR inside St Sampson’s Church porch

Gardens Open in South Hill for National Gardens Scheme

On Sunday 12th May, two South Hill gardens, Anvil Cottage and Windmills, will again be opening their gardens for charity under the National Gardens Scheme from 1.30 to 5 pm.  This year, half of the proceeds will be given to St Sampson’s church as well as to national charities such as Macmillan Cancer Support. 

Anvil Cottage garden is largely the creation of Barbara Clemerson, who for many years wrote a gardening feature for the South Hill Connection.  Windmills is mainly the work of Peter Tunnicliffe who has transformed the garden originally created by Dave Moren. 

The two gardens, which were featured in ‘Cornwall Today’ in 2016, are adjoining, and a combined entrance fee of £5 gets you into both of them.  There will be home-made teas and, of course, plants for sale. For more details and pictures go online to

Church meeting Nov 26th

St Sampson’s Unlocked. Cherished, Restored, Unlocked, Church

St Sampson’s Community meeting Monday 26th November 2018

A great turnout with a packed hall and apologies from another 30 people who couldn’t be there. There were representatives from; The Parish Council, SHARE, WI, Horticultural Society, St Sampson’s PCC, Golberdon girls’ choir, Hall committee, Zumba group, playgroup and from neighbouring local churches. Many thanks to Rev Annabel King who started the meeting and Simon Crosbie from the architect team and Peter Tulloch our photographer. It was a very productive evening, with lots of support shown for the project.

The meeting began with a rousing rendition of the Cornish anthem “Trelawney” and we enjoyed seeing the amazing painting of Lady Trelawney which was kindly lent to us for the evening and the image of Bishop Trelawney given with kind permission from Truro museum. The importance of these esteemed figures being that South Hill was Bishop Trelawney’s first parish when he became a parish priest. Our fabulous quilt depicting St Sampson, made by the South Hill Piece makers group was also displayed along with a wonderful banner created by the local toddler group JAMM.

The importance of community support was stressed, not just in terms of fundraising but in the community demonstrating that they wanted the St Sampson Unlocked project to go ahead.   Continue reading

Church Matters December 2018

The Christmas season is upon us. Have you ever heard people say that Christmas is really for the children? I think the implication is that as we get older the fascination and excitement about Christmas somewhat dies down – we tend not to view it in the same way that we once did. When I look back over my own life I can remember the excitement that I had as a child, the sense of having a good time with friends as a teenager, and then regaining some of the excitement and wonder when having children of my own. In these later years it’s been more about spending time with a grown up family amidst all the church activities – quite a rich combination really.

But what about that thought – Christmas is really for the children. If you’ve ever been around a church at Christmas over the past ten years or so, you’re likely to have come across something called a “Christingle Service”. This is a special event that celebrates the work of The Children’s Society – a charity with Christian roots that works amongst some of the most disadvantaged youngsters and families across the nation. The charity was founded in 1881 by Edward Rudolf, a Sunday school teacher, and it has had a close connection with the Church and the Christian faith throughout its existence.

The work of the charity is quite varied, from activities aimed at ending child poverty, to helping young people access mental health support, and help for those youngsters who have gone missing from their homes. They also engage in activities towards the prevention of child sexual exploitation, alongside support for young carers (those providing support for parents who have ill-health). The charity also takes on political issues where they feel there are voices that aren’t being heard. Continue reading

South Hill Connection October News Roundup

Saturday Nov 10th 2:30pm Remembrance service at the Parish War Memorial Golberdon.

  Sunday Nov 11th Remembrance Service at St Sampson’s church and exhibition the week before. Bring your memorabilia & add your family names to the book

Linkinhorne History Group WWI display at Sterts until the end of November, plus for the ongoing recording of graves visit

 Monday Nov 26th 7:30pm ‘Cherished, Restored or Locked and Lost-  No pub. No school. No shop. Let’s keep our church at South Hill open!’ All welcome at the Parish Hall, Golberdon, to show your support, share ideas and enthusiasm. Group photo so bring all your friends from near and far.

 Tuesday Nov 27th 7:30pm Old School Stoke Climsland History Group. Stories behind the names on the Stoke Climsland War Memorials with Deri Parsons. A booklet detailing the information gathered on the names will be available for purchase, all profits will be shared equally between the British Legion and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

 Sunday 16th December  3 – 5pm Free Community Christmas Party, for all ages, with traditional games for children & adults, afternoon tea & Father Christmas,  in the parish hall. More details to follow. Please let Judith Ayers know if you would like to come, names and numbers to  or 01579 384617

 Parish Hall News

 A year ago SHARE launched “Power The Night With Sunlight”, to gain votes for an M&S Energy grant to install a battery to store the energy produced by the PV panels all day around.  Thank you to the 1000s that voted and pledged money for gifts, BUT despite the huge support, we came second. However, this summer M&S Energy asked if we could complete our project by the end of September 2018. We did, despite a scare on the deadline when the installer’s wife went into early labour! The data produced by the battery storage so far is really interesting and it is encouraging to see the savings. Within the budget SHARE are also installing new low energy light fittings throughout the hall.

 The Parish Hall committee and the Parish Council have just secured grant funding for further improvements at the hall and planning in underway for new flooring, heating and hopefully more.

 If you think you have the skills to help with this project, in particular advice is needed on costing the various ways the insulation and heating could be improved, from a quantity surveyor for example. Contact David Skelton 382397

 SHARE will be given the old floor boards, what can we/you do with them? If you’d like a piece of history, let Astrid know. 383620

 Recycling for Charity. Biscuit wrappers and more can be put in the collection bins, placed at the Parish Hall, St Sampson’s church porch, Trevigro, Green Meadows, Callington Tesco and the Tamar AONB centre at Drakewalls. A list of recycled items is on the collection points and available on line.

 Firewood. SHARE is delivering a mixed trailer load for £120 and dumpy bag full for £60. Call 384544 or 382397 NO deliveries between Nov 12th – 26th so book now. Thank you and keep it local.

 Allotments available at Golberdon, £15 per year. Contact the parish clerk or speak to Cllr. Jim Gale  07974 786066 

 Residents are encouraged to contact the Parish Council regards local matters and attend meetings  held at the parish hall in Golberdon on the 3rd Tuesday of each month starting at 7:30pm.

Did you go to Callington School

Stroke Befriending Service …

 Christmas Wreaths Workshop, contact Jane’s Floral Designs on 01822 833435 or 07532292814

 Macmillan Biggest Coffee Morning! Held at Polhilsa Farm on Friday 28th September, had wonderful support in raising money for Macmillan cancer support enjoying coffee, cakes and good company!

With a vast array of sweet treats, a raffle and games; a fun morning of catching up with friends was had by all. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the event; baking, eating and donating!  We raised over £500! An amazing amount of money for a very worthy cause.

 Callington Young Farmers Club were awarded a trophy in recognition for the most increased membership in the year. After all the hard work put in, it is well deserved. Photo on line. PLUS Claudia the Callington Y.F.C.  cow can be seen on Saltash Rd, Callington.

 There are other interesting sightings around the parish, posted online. (If you’re a den maker, you may want to collect your coat).

 The Hall committee Harvest Supper. I didn’t have Ellie McCall’s friend’s name for the last newsletter, but her name is Jodie Statham.  If you would like to book these singers call 01822 870221

 To Hire the Hall is £12 a session am/pm/evening, with special all day/weekend rates. Main hall and/or the meeting room or all together with kitchen. To hire the field is additional and can be with/without the hall. Don’t delay, book your event today. Call Andy  389328 or email 

Late News…

On Saturday 18th August the 59th South Hill Horticultural Show was held at the Parish Hall. There was a good number of new entrants this year and we would like to thank the committee and all friends of the show for their help in running and organising the event.

The Callington Young Farmers had a dog show in the playing field, some stall holders set up under the awning and our cream teas were available for all to enjoy.

Next year is our Golden 60 years! The show will be held on Saturday 17th August 2019 and we are hoping to make it bigger and better than ever. To make this happen we do however need even more help and support. We are looking for any stall holders, organisations, clubs and groups to join us. If you are interested please get in touch.  To keep up to date with events and information please join us on Facebook; South Hill Horticultural Show.  Lucy Penney (Joint Secretary)

 Please support our advertisers and finally …

Please send in your photos, articles, events for the next newsletter covering Dec 2018/Jan 2019  to  by Nov 15th

Thank you and see you on FB 

Ali Humphreys, South Hill Connection Editor

Oct photos

Parish war exhibition

Exhibition in St Sampson’s church, to show how the two world wars, and all the other wars of the last century, affected the families of the people who have lived in South Hill Parish, during that time, or live here now.
This is not just about families who were living here during the wars, although obviously they have some interesting stories to tell, but also those parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts etc. of the families who live here today, and who may have been living hundreds of miles away.
We have some fascinating stuff, including details of a South Hill man who was awarded the Victoria Cross, but there must be much more we could include. Pictures, letters, diaries, photographs of medals, and newspaper clippings are ideal, but we would also like the stories of what happened on the ‘home front’.
Land girls, prisoners working on farms, home guard (Did we have our own Captain Mannering ?), ambulance drivers, evacuees, merchant navy, or anything about how our families were affected.  Does anyone still have a gas mask, or a ration book ?
Please let me know if you have anything.  We can help with printing and copying if it is too valuable to loan.
Geoff Clemerson, Anvil Cottage, 01579 362623

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Church Matters Nov 2018

This is my 65th year, getting on a bit, but I was still born 9 years after the end of the Second World War. Whilst our nation has been involved in many conflicts during my lifetime, none of them have had a major impact on life in this country – although some terror attacks did come quite close while we were living in London. My mother told me a little of her recollections of the blitz – of one occasion when a stick of bombs was falling, each one getting closer, knowing that the next one would get her – but fortunately there wasn’t another one! My father never spoke about the war, other than to say that he was in a ‘reserved occupation’ and didn’t have to serve in the forces. It was only at his funeral that my brother and I learnt that he had been employed during the war years as an auditor hunting for ‘economic saboteurs’ – an account I shall now never be told in full.

Many, over the years, have been reticent to recount their war experiences, though fortunately a few have left us their stories in print, and there are many images which allow us a fuller picture. Today, of course, we see all too much of what is happening in conflicts around the world virtually as it happens. Such reporting shows us first hand what we have always really known – that war is a terrible thing in which there are no real winners, and where the only certainty is that there will be terrible suffering. This suffering is inflicted by all sides whether deliberately or by accident – wars create casualties – and wars are created by humanity. Continue reading

Church Matters

Church Matters

There are times when I’m intrigued by the lives of well-known personalities. So often they can be seen to be achieving so much in their lives, and yet at times there emerges the frailties that they can suffer in their more private moments. There can be no doubting the influence and success that they have, but we don’t often catch a glimpse of the inner person that may be quietly plagued with doubt and fear.

I recently came across a Guardian newspaper interview with Lisa Brennan-Jobs. I suspect that name will not be instantly recognisable, but Lisa is the daughter of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, the company that is now the largest in the world by market value (over 1 trillion dollars). He was in many senses a brilliant man – a visionary of how technology could be designed and produced to not only look and feel good, but effectively support new and effective ways of doing things. One well-known example was the launch of the iPhone back in 2007, a totally new approach to the mobile phone which changed the market completely. Since that time most mobile phone manufacturers try to out-do the latest iPhone with each release of a new product. Continue reading