Category Archives: Fundraising

Raising Funds for St Sampson’s

St Sampson’s Church are contacting architects to draw up plans for our renovations and improvements to the building and we are also looking at many funding options.

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be collecting free donations for St Sampson’s Church, South Hill?

There are over 3,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation, including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, the trainline and Tesco – it doesn’t cost you a penny extra

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3… 

1. Head to and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, that retailer will make a donation to your good cause for no extra cost whatsoever.

There are no catches or hidden charges and St Sampson’s Church, South Hill, Cornwall will be really grateful for your donations to help with the ongoing upkeep of this beautiful church.

Thank you for your support.


Trebartha Open Gardens n Hydro System

Trebartha  open the file for more info on Trebartha.

The Hydro system has been operational since December 2015. Water is taken off at the in take area on the Withey Brook, just below Hawks Tor, through a 1.2 kilometre stretch of pipe, dropping 90 metres down to the Turbine House. The turbine is a 4 jet vertical shafted pelton wheel, with a 350 kw generator. The power is fed to a high voltage transformer in the adjoining enclosure before being exported to the local WPD grid. The scheme is estimated to generate some 1,000 MWhs of energy a year – enough for some 2000 domestic properties – this could vary +/- 30% depending on rainfall.

Exe Trail Cancer Fundraising Challenge

A couple of references have been recently made in the Cornish Times about the value of Liskeard Community Hospital’s Triangle Centre ‘drop in’ service to local people with cancer and their families. The service includes counselling, complementary therapy and access to cancer support specialist nurses who can advise, inform and reassure on every aspect of cancer treatment and recovery. No appointment is necessary and you can always rely upon a warm welcome, a cup of tea and a piece of home-made cake! The service is free but, being separately funded from the NHS, the Liskeard Triangle Centre (and sister Triangle Centres in Tavistock and Kingsbridge) can never make assumptions about the future.

John is living with cancer and his wife Shirley is a cancer survivor. The LiskKayaking3eard Triangle Centre has helped them a lot over the last couple of years and with relatively good health still on their side, it seemed timely and appropriate to try and give something back. On the 28th June, accompanied by several members of their family (the youngest being just 2 years old!) they walked, paddled and cycled the length of the Exe Trail to raise funds for the Liskeard Triangle Centre.  Continue reading

Fun Day planned for August 2015

fun1On March 10th the 1st meeting was held for the Horticultural Show Fun Day on Aug 15th

Nick Easton Chaired, Ali Humphreys took notes, there were 16 present & 6 apologies – a Great start.

8 years ago a successful day was run alongside the ‘SHOW’. The Hall committee want to support The Horticulture Show events and bring together new people and ideas and through sponsorships and fees be able to donate to a couple charities and have a FUN FILLED DAY.

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