Author Archives: SAS

Gables Farm Christmas Collection

Gables logoMy name is Fiona and I live in Golberdon.  Myself and a friend Dawn from Trevigro are collecting for Gables Dogs and Cats home to help them over the Christmas period, unfortunately a time in which they see their numbers increase dramatically.

We are looking for donations of food, treats, toys, good condition blankets and towels.  If you are able to donate any of the items listed above please drop them into Berrio Farm, Golberdon, PL17 7NL (Heading towards Pensilva turn right before Kerney Bridge and we are the 4th house on the right with the sign of the public footpath)

Alternatively you can phone me on either 363410 or 07955 288180 and I can arrange collection.

For further information on Gables please visit their website at

Thank you in advance for your help and generosity for this worthwhile cause.

Introducing…. Andrew Budd, South Hill Parish Councillor

AndyBuddI moved to Trevigro in February 2014.  When I say moved, I was still working as a Mechanical Engineer in Falmouth at the time and it was quite a commute!  Worth it though.  From the minute my wife Rachael and I arrived, we were greeted by neighbours who quickly introduced us to the community, St Sampson’s Church, brought us up to speed with what is going on, the community strengths, the community weaknesses and a rich history of community life.  I knew we had come to a very special place.

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Cornwall Council Update, November 2015

S McWilliamI was so pleased to be able to attend the remembrance events again this year. Various news reports suggest that attendance is increasing and I do get a sense that this is true of our part of the world. It is so important that we do remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

One or two people have been in touch about the multiple contacts they have had from electoral services. Please don’t blame Cornwall Council. The new system was introduced by central government but it does appear to be very bureaucratic with a lot of duplication. Please persevere. We need to try and ensure everyone that is eligible to vote is on the register before future elections take place. A Housing Enquiry Form has to go out first and when you reply each individual named on it will receive their own form to fill in to register. It is easy to think you have already replied and ignore it but if you don’t, you will trigger a cascade of action. Even if you do reply, you may still get a ‘reminder’. I’m sure it will get easier but for this year, with a completely new register having to be compiled, it is causing a few problems.

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Church Matters, November 2015

TheRevAdvertising is big business at Christmas. Even in early November this year’s TV advert by John Lewis was eagerly awaited to see what story line they would develop and what song they would use. Alongside that we usually get the festive and jolly adverts for Coca-Cola and a myriad of stores all suggesting the perfect gifts for our loved ones. It’s all part of the Christmas season and can potentially add to that sense of wellbeing, nostalgia and expectation, just as long as you have the finances available.

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