Category Archives: Community Energy

SHARE News Update

Twelfth Night: On January 6th, we had an open invitation to join us at the Parish Hall in Golberdon, and bring Christmas trees and cards for recycling, and to share drinks and nibbles. We were pleased to see families with children, members and non-members, many brought food and drink, giving the evening something of a party atmosphere. Surplus food was also taken to Callington Foodbank.  Information about recycling, food miles and future SHARE events was available at the meeting and discussed. As part of your recycling please collect these items and pass them on.

New Finance Director: We are delighted to welcome Graham Beven of Kelly Bray to join the board in the role of Finance Director. His background and interests are a perfect fit for us. 

Visit Bray Shop Solar Farm: We have arranged with Lightsource to visit the solar farm on our Bray Shop boundary. South Hill Parish Council receives money from this installation (together with Stoke Climsland).  This money is specifically to be used by the Parish for “charitable, educational, environmental, amenity or other appropriate purposes within the areas of the Community and wherever possible to apply the Community Benefit Payment towards the promotion of sustainable energy and uses”.  Some of this money has been used to put solar panels on the Parish Hall roof, and in order to monitor the system remotely, broadband was installed, giving free Wi-fi to all Hall users.  The defibrillator at the Parish Hall was also paid for using this fund.

Lightsource ( is a global market leader in the development, acquisition and long-term management of international large-scale solar projects and smart energy solutions. They also own a number of smaller installations in the UK. Members and non-members are welcome to join us on the morning of Saturday March 31st.  We will meet at the Parish Hall car park and car-share to the site. Numbers will be limited so we will need to know names beforehand. Contact, or phone David Skelton (01579 382397), if you are interested. If you have questions for Lightsource, even if you are unable to attend, please forward them to SHARE.

Proposed visit to Incinerator, Plymouth ( https://www.mvv) : South Hill W.I. were very impressed with their visit to the Plymouth incinerator so we are arranging a visit for anyone interested, SHARE Members and Non Members. Our plan will be to car share to Gunnislake Station and take the 9.27am train to St Budeaux, returning on the 12.54 or 14.54. The longer tour is more interesting apparently and we can have lunch in St Budeaux while waiting for the later 14.54 train. If interested let us know which times works best for you.

LOVE FREE TREES : SHARE recognise the importance of planting trees. The following young whips of trees are available Free of Charge to anyone in the parish. They have been chosen for their contribution to gardens, wildlife and are hardy. These young saplings should be planted around VALENTINE’S Day and we would like as many youngsters to be involved as possible.  Let me know what trees and quantities you would like AND if you can help with planting. Ali 384544

Mountain Ash/ Rowan, Bird Cherry, Hazel, Common Crab Apple, Grey Willow/Pussy Willow, Osier Willow, Golden Willow,  Dogwood.

Woodland Visit: Are You interested in visiting a young mixed species woodland at Trematon? SHARE have been invited to see the growth of the various trees and discuss with the owner. Plus there are two other small woods nearby (possibly walking distance) that we can visit – very different to each other. One has had no management since it was planted 20 years ago. The other is “one of the most beautiful woods I’ve ever seen” and goes down to the beach on the north side of the Lynher. The invite is open for members and non members of SHARE.   Let Ali know ASAP so we can arrange a date/time ideally before Valentine’s day and car sharing.

Recycle your Christmas Tree event.

Join SHARE on Jan 6th from 7pm at the Parish Hall. Bring your Christmas trees, and cards to recycle, and any drinks and nibbles to share.

Plus we can help reduce waste, reuse and recycle, and support Kicks Count. Kicks Count and facebook group

Kicks Count inform and support pregnant ladies about their unborn babies movements, and help reduce the stillbirth rate within the UK. By RECYCLING not throwing away these items.

  • Baby food pouches & lids (any brand i.e. Ella’s kitchen) and Ella’s Kitchen snack wrappers
  • Flexible plastic cleaning wipe packets
  • Plastic trigger tops from cleaning spray bottles
  • Plastic tops from washing up liquid bottles
  • Plastic air freshener packaging, cartridges and used air fresheners such as plug in refills (any brand – NO GLASS or aerosols)
  • Plastic biscuit wrappers (sweet, not savoury) including individual wrappers like penguin wrappers. Must be biscuit wrappers, not confectionery
  • Used stamps (leave at least 1cm backing paper around stamp) both UK and Foreign
  • Any brand of coffee plastic jar lid, instant coffee refill pouches, coffee bean/filter coffee bags, one cup coffee sachets. Tassimo pods and foil bags (Tassimo only, no cardboard)
  • We are also collecting plastic Milk Bottle Tops and Ink Cartridges

Recycle collection point at Green Meadows on the South Hill Rd across from Golberdon crossroads or Annies Tea Room on CALLINGTON Fore street.

  • Plus recycle clothes at the bin located by the Fire Station on South Hill Rd.
  • Homeleigh Garden Centre, L’Son has a collection point in the top car park for Plant Pots and trays

SHARE Update

South Hill Association for Renewable Energy 

Since the AGM in September, we have appointed two new directors.  Astrid Fischer and Sue Skelton were invited to join the Board.  Astrid will take the role of Company Secretary, and Sue will continue as Treasurer.  We are still actively seeking a Finance Director.

At our first Management Committee meeting following the AGM, we welcomed Magda Gould and Mary Hardman onto the committee.

In October, we organised “Seedy Sunday”, together with Wyld Thyngz, who offer woodland workshops which inspire children to develop a lifelong love of the natural world.  People brought seeds and plants to swap, and although this event was planned in rather a hurry, it was well attended.  There may be some interest in a “Springtime Seedy Sunday” – what do you think?

Members of SHARE took part in the Tamar Energy Fest.  Held in Tavistock Town Hall in October, the event brought together local businesses and volunteers in a celebration of local energy and other eco-innovations.  If you missed out on this annual event, you can read all about it on the Tamar Energy Community website.

SHARE Wood Project More deliveries have been made this year than last, and there is still wood in store if you need it. Plus if you have trees to be felled or pruned, we’re working with Red Squirrel Tree Care.  By working together we can get a better deal. Earlier this month 5 volunteers helped Matt and Tania of Red Squirrel to clear trees at Trevigro and Trewoodloe. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE INVOLVED.

Geoff Hardman is arranging chainsaw training.  If you miss out on this group, put your name forward for the next session.

Taking The Power Back – an event by Regen SW and Plymouth Energy Community 

We attended this event which was held at the spectacular Devonport Guildhall in November. Continue reading

Tamar Energy Fest

On October 28th 2017 SHARE were delighted to be invited to Tamar Energy Fest, by Tamar Energy Community at Tavistock Town Hall. We joined other community initiatives:

Roots to Transition/Tasty Tavy

Sustainable South Brent  including Woodfuel from hedges

Tamar Grow Local  Sustainable local produce

Transition Tavistock including “life without plastic” display

Tamar Energy Community Renewable Energy, home visits for energy advice, Local Matters premises.

Plus: Building materials and insulation advice and suppliers;

Cosy Home Company insulation solutions  for period properties

The Fell Partnership in concrete form building

Greenhus  external wall insulation

Green Scheme Eco-friendly outdoor materials

Mantle building system super insulated system build

Mike Wye & Associates Sustainable & traditional building specialists

Plus: Renewable energy technology specialists;

Metalelectrique High Energy batteries

New Generation Energy Renewable Energy

Regen advice on sustainable energy delivery

Sungift Solar Renewable Energy

ZLC Energy Renewable Energy

PLUS Other services available;

Abbey Garden Machinery tools for garden and tree management

Graham Reed Glass Demonstrating hand made glass designs

Red Squirrel Tree Care Tree pruning/arboriculture, & photo booth

South West Water using water wisely

Tamar Valley AONB oversight of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

The Utility Warehouse utilities including energy

During the day there were interesting talks and discussions on;

High Energy batteries, changing the game.

Smarter Community Energy innovation

Affordable energy and warmer homes

Dealing with older homes

Woodfuel from hedges.

The exhibitors and the general public were genuinely interested in SHARE achievements to date and we had great fed back and signed up 3 new associate members supporting our aims. We aim to keep in touch with the Tamar Energy Community and attend their monthly “Green Drinks” the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:30pm at LOCAL MATTERS, and other events. If you would like to join us please contact  so we can car share.

SHARE news update

The SHARE AGM was well attended on September 21st.

The formal business of an AGM was conducted, with the chairman of the Board of Directors, David Skelton, giving a full report on all that happened in the year to 31st March 2017.

Peter Tulloch, one of the founding members, is standing down from the Board this year, to pursue other interests and was thanked and praised for his valuable contribution especially with regard to the detailed documentation, insurances and policies needed.

Membership continues to grow, Full Members living, working or owning property in the parish can vote, membership is a nominal £2 and Associate Members not in this category but support our aims, visions and rules, membership is just £1.

The new Board and officers will be announced soon.

There were useful discussions during the meeting and this continued over drinks and snacks.

Wood Project

Firewood deliveries have been going out earlier this year than last, with many new customers taking advantage of this great offer. Locally sourced wood delivered locally, what’s not to like! The price remains the same as last year, £50 for a dumpy bag and £100 for a trailer load all dry and seasoned, sized to you requirements, ready for those cold days. Money raised goes to planting trees and making this a great sustainable project.

Phone Ali if you need wood 01579 384544 or email

If you have a tree that needs felling, CALL US. We will be around the parish on MONDAY 9th  October with our experts accessing current jobs so let us know if you have any additional work that needs doing.

Power the Night with Sunlight

Thank You Astrid our project leader & to Nick for being the spokesman on the great promotional video produced by Stuart Bailey, FOR THE COMMITTEE for rallying the troops and spreading the word to different groups and organisations to gain support and votes, our members and ALL FRIENDS that have voted to date.

We have been leading the East Cornwall region but we also have to win the West Cornwall region, WE ARE CURRENTLY LEADING THE WAY but it’s VERY CLOSE and we have 3 weeks to go until voting closes on October 20th.

Keep spreading the word, ask people if they have voted, we will be holding a drop in session on Sunday 15th October 11 – 2pm at the parish hall for those with limited broadband or limited knowledge on how to vote and buy rewards ALL WELCOME, at the same time as SEEDY SUNDAY.

Seedy Sunday

Share and swap ideas, seeds and sip soup! Talk to other gardening enthusiasts and share experiences.

Come to The Parish Hall on the 15th October and take your pick from the range of seeds on offer! Tell your friends and let’s get the community sharing, sowing and succeeding to make our gardens in 2018 truly magnificent! Wyld Thyngz is helping run this event with us.

Power The Night With Sunlight


from M&S Energy

South Hill Parish Hall in Golberdon has set its sights on using sunlight
– at night!

‘Power the Night with Sunlight’ – South Hill Association for Renewable Energy from Stuart Bailey on Vimeo.

SHARE (South Hill Association for Renewable Energy) community benefit group have applied for an M&S Energy Grant to install a Tesla Power Wall in the Parish Hall at Golberdon.

This will enable the energy generated from the solar panels to be stored for later use and dramatically help with heating and running costs, helping to keep the hall a viable and attractive venue.

Voting is finished now.  Thank you to all who voted for us and pledged money for our wonderful rewards.

We will hear on November 6th whether we have been successful with our bid

Collecting votes at M&S Plymouth

Continue reading

SHARE Update

South Hill Association for Renewable Energy
Community Group


We are pleased to announce that SHARE has been shortlisted for funding from the M&S Energy Community Energy Fund.  This year £300,000 will be awarded to support renewable energy projects and technologies across the UK.  Last year 25 projects received funding, and this year we hope to earn our share.

The project we are proposing is to install a Tesla Powerwall 2 energy store at the Parish Hall to take full advantage of the roof-top solar PV system. At present, this is only of direct use to Hall users during the day, and excess generation is exported to the National Grid.  With batteries, energy could be stored and used during the evenings too.  This is particularly exciting in view of the recent announcement by the government that they plan to support the further development of battery technology for this purpose.

The judges base their decisions partly on the merit of the project, but also on support from the public. The voting and crowdfunding stage will take place in September and October.  Our fund –raiser, Astrid Fischer, has just started working on the next stage of the M&S bid.  A small team is already helping her to expand support for our project.  If you are able to help please step forward.

AGM – Thursday September 21st 2017, 7:30pm Continue reading

South West Water Money Saving Schemes

Money saving schemes from South West water and are really great for families on low incomes /family tax credit / benefits.
One policy particularly benefits those on low incomes with 3 or more children or a household with someone who has a medical condition that requires more water to be used.


You may qualify for a social tariff to help reduce your bill if you are on a very low income. You may qualify if:

1.     You are on a water meter or on assessed charges

2.     The person who pays the water bill or someone in your household receives one or more of the following means tested benefits:
• Housing Benefit
• Income Support
• Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
• Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
• Pension Credit (guaranteed element)

3.     Your ‘equivalised’ weekly income, after housing costs, is less than £295 


Help with metered bills – the WaterSure Tariff

You may qualify for a lower bill if you receive a means-tested benefit or tax credit.

WaterSure can help you if you have a low-income and your water is measured by a meter. We can put a limit on your charges for water and sewerage services, if you meet the following conditions.

1.  Your supply is metered

2. The person who pays the water bill or someone else in your household receives benefit  or tax credit

3. There are either:

  • three or more children under the age of 19 living in the household for whom the person receiving the above benefit also claims Child Benefit; or
  • you or someone living in your household has a medical condition which causes  extra water to be used.

FREE Money Saving Products  

Info sourced by SHARE South Hill Association for Renewable Energy


The SHARE in our Community Free Family Fun Day was an amazing success on Bank Holiday Monday. There have never been so many children in Golberdon Park, estimated around 300 people in total, all enjoying the activities laid on by South Hill Parish Renewable Energy community group, S.H.A.R.E.

Events centered on energy and money saving tips, recycling and reducing waste, including Kicks Count charity, clothes alterations by Janet Harding, promoting cycling with E Bike demos and bike slalom course, planting seeds, foraging the hedgerows and an energy science project. Plus The Big Beat Junk Band invited everyone to join in and make lots of noise.

“South Hill Rocks” was launched as rocks were painted and hidden around public spaces for people to find, then upload a photo to South Hill FB and re-hide, encouraging families to be creative and explore the area. Join in the fun, like South-Hill FB or visit

Free Energy Saving Light-bulbs were donated by E-On, sunflower starter kits and grocery Bags for Life, donated by Tesco’s, Morrison’s and Waitrose were given away. A massive Thank you to everyone that helped make the day so special, to all that donated items, Tamar Organics, Spar, Launceston Cycles, Compton Park Farm Shop, Callington Fresh Produce, our generous parishioners, the South Hill W.I ladies for teas, the South Hill Horticultural Show for including the Sunflower class on August 19th. The car booters, the Police for providing leaflets on protecting property, Project Solar answering questions and giving energy advice and the families that came from near and far and team S.H.A.R.E for hosting such a great fun day. Learn more by contacting or call Simon on 07955522072.

South Hill Association for Renewable Energy (SHARE) a Community Benefit Society since June 2015. SHARE’s vision is “A secure and sustainable future for all, using community owned R.E to provide economic, social and environmental benefits.” Contact call Peter 01579 208519 and visit

…. and the 50/50 of 140 pounds was won by a couple from Saltash, visiting for the day. finding and hiding SOUTH HILL ROCKS at Golberdon Park !


SHARE in our Community Fun Day Pix