Cornwall Council Updates June 2020

We asked people to let us know what was most important to them
· Reducing car journeys through more buses and trains, more frequently and helping people to walk and cycle more easily
· More public charging points to help people switch to electric cars
· Building more energy efficient new homes
· Making existing homes more energy efficient and greener
· Getting more solar energy panels on rooftops
· Creating more large scale renewable energy farms
· Planting more trees
· Helping nature and wildlife to thrive
· Making it easier to reduce, reuse/repurpose and recycle waste
· Making it easier to reduce single use plastic(s).
CAN YOU tick off any of these as things you have done ?
· Rung an energy supplier to see if you can switch to green energy
· Buy local seasonal produce as much as possible
· Educated yourself about the science and impacts of climate change
· Contacted our MP and ask your friends make these ten pledges too
· Walked, cycled, used public transport or arranged to car share to work or shop.
· Worked on your carbon footprint using one of the many easy carbon calculators e.g. www.footprint.wwf.org.uk
· Done a home energy check to find out how much you can save energy in your home www.hec.est.org.uk and/or asked the energy saving trust by phoning 0800 512 012
· Reduced your holiday air miles
CAN YOU add to this list? Let us know your thoughts, speak to your Parish Councillors.
The public consultation ran from 6 June to 15 July 2019 www.cornwall.gov.uk/climatechange and engaged with people face to face, on social media, online and digitally, and asked people what they would like the Council to initially focus on to help Cornwall become carbon neutral by 2030; what people are already doing themselves to reduce their own carbon footprint; and what they would be willing to do in the future.
Engagement overview The majority of people we heard from are very aware of, and very concerned about, the impact of climate change, and the scale of the challenge is widely understood. Many see it as the single most important issue facing Cornwall, the UK and the planet. A small number of people do not agree that there is a climate emergency or feel that there is little they or we can do to make a difference.
What people said the Council can do to make a difference and help Cornwall become carbon neutral: 1. Planting more trees 2. Making it easier to reduce single use plastic(s) 3. Making it easier to reduce, reuse/repurpose and recycle waste 4. Helping nature and wildlife to thrive
There were a number of recurring themes: •Tackle Congestion and Pollution: • Better Education / information: • More Electric cars: • Energy: Cornwall exports a high volume of ‘green’ energy into the national grid, but people want the Council to lobby Government to increase grid capacity into Cornwall and harness wind, wave and underground / thermal. Help to be able to install solar panels on their roofs. • Environment, plant more trees and plants: • Farming / agriculture / animal products: with people typically commenting “Farming has a big part to play in how we manage our environment and in a future carbon neutral Cornwall” • Homes / housing: new homes should have green energy sources installed, including solar panels, rainwater harvesting, thermal energy and facilities such as cycle storage • Reduce Litter: • Lobby Government:’ • Manufacturing / shopping: reduce packaging waste from supermarket purchases • Planning: concerns about the number of new large housing developments without ‘green’ infrastructure in place to help relieve congestion and other problems introduced such as extra pressure on local health care, schools and transport. • Plastics: is not a direct climate change / carbon emissions issue, but it is important to people that there is a better solution available • Public transport: buses are too infrequent and too expensive. Trains should be cheaper than flights. • Recycling: more collection points and more products e.g. Tetra Paks etc. We learned of a scheme at Callington Tesco where they are collecting a wide variety of recycling in partnership with a local company. Some suggested public composting centres. • Spaceport / Air travel: some people suggest the Spaceport plans and our ownership of an airport do not sit well with the Council’s aspirations for Carbon Neutral Cornwall • Strong Leadership: people with very strong opinions about climate change and carbon emissions that are looking to Cornwall Council for quick, decisive action. They want strong leadership on an urgent call to action / for change.
We asked people to let us know what was most important to them • Reducing car journeys through more buses and trains, more frequently and helping people to walk and cycle more easily • More public charging points to help people switch to electric cars • Building more energy efficient new homes • Making existing homes more energy efficient and greener • Getting more solar energy panels on rooftops • Creating more large scale renewable energy farms • Planting more trees • Helping nature and wildlife to thrive • Making it easier to reduce, reuse/repurpose and recycle waste • Making it easier to reduce single use plastic(s).
The 10 things people are already doing or have done themselves to help make a difference to climate change and to help Cornwall become carbon neutral. CAN YOU tick off any of these as things you have done ? • Rung my energy supplier to see if I can switch to green energy, if not I have found one • Buy local seasonal produce as much as possible, starting with at least 2 meals a week • Educated myself about the science and impacts of climate change • Contacted my MP and made my friends make these ten pledges too • Walked, cycled, used public transport or registered with www.carsharecornwall.com to travel to work or another regular journey at least once a week • Worked on my own carbon footprint using one of the many easy carbon calculators e.g. www.footprint.wwf.org.uk • Done a home energy check to find out how much I can save energy in my home www.hec.est.org.uk and/or asked the energy saving trust by phoning 0800 512 012 • Turned down my thermostat to reach the lowest comfortable temperature, typically between 18 – 21c, think about putting on a jumper or not using A/C in this heatwave • Reduced my holiday air miles by 50%.
CAN YOU add to this list? Let us know your thoughts, speak to your Parish Councillors. Following the Cabinet discussion on 24 July we will hold further activities / events for stakeholders and young people, including a schools event in the autumn, to explore in more detail the benefits and impacts of the opportunities open to the Council and Cornwall.
Following the very successful RECYCLING EVENT at the TAMAR VALLEY Centre SHARE have organised more dates for you to learn about their RECYCLING FOR CHARITY project and also encourage you to bring items you are unsure about for this project and also your kerb side collection. .. so we can get PLASTICS SORTED.
July 11th The Parish Hall UPTON CROSS 2:30 – 4:30pm.
July 16th The Parish Hall STOKE CLIMSLAND 9 – 12 noon
July 16th The Village Hall COADS GREEN 2:45 – 4:15pm
July 20th Tavistock Eco Fest 11 – 4pm
WOW what a reception at these events and so much recycling sorted and items saved for KICKS COUNT charity. Thank you so much
August 10th St. Ann’s Chapel Fete 11 – 1:45 & Lezant Show 2:30 – 4:30pm
August 17th The Parish Hall GOLBERDON 2 -4pm as part of the Horticultural Show Special 60th Anniversary event.
August 22nd The Methodist church South Petherwin 8:30 – 10am
Please try and make one of these events they have proved very popular and informative. ALL WELCOME
SHARE MEMBERS are invited to visit Bodmin recycling centre on August 15th and St Dennis Incinerator on August 20th. Plus Langage Farm September 4th Numbers are limited .
Have you had a stroke and would like to speak to someone who understands? Volunteer Cornwall’s Stroke Befriending Service could be just the thing you’re looking for.
One of our friendly Stroke Befriending volunteers can meet with you on a regular basis and offer support and encouragement. We have found this can really help to build confidence and make people feel less isolated and more connected to their community.
This is a completely free service and volunteers can visit people at home, in hospital or in a care home. Stroke Befriending is also available via telephone, email and video call.
Or if you have had a stroke and would like to help someone else in their recovery journey, why not get in touch and find out more about becoming a Stroke Befriending volunteer?
Contact Volunteer Cornwall to make a referral or find out more:
Email – Laura Smith, Stroke Befriending Co-ordinator, lauras@volunteercornwall.org.uk
Call – 01872 266997
Visit – https://www.volunteercornwall.org.uk/how-we-help/health-social-care/stroke-befriending-service
It was great pleasure to present Andrew and Sara Doney a civic award for community work and continuing volunteer work, involving church matters, scouts, horticultural show etc a true asset to the community, followed by tea.
Community money is now open for requests. I could spend this money several times over, available on first come first served basis.
Overgrown hedges have been reported and highways have been to the area to look at particular problems. I shall be going around to look at specific areas of concern, including potholes with highways. There is an online reporting system now within Cornwall Website. You can report on line here or let your parish councillors know.
The new parking charges, some good, some bad, have been introduced. I would like to see parking cheaper or free and follow Devon’s example £2 all day in Tavistock and Lyme Regis, admittedly some towns including Callington have the first hour free but the cheaper the parking the longer people will stay. A recent visit to Poole just shows how the hustle and bustle of high street is far from dead despite £1.20 per hour. Cranleigh in Sussex Sunday’s free parking, and a very interesting public enquiry into housing in the town, no one wanted but was over ruled by the inspectorate. Continue reading
How time fly’s one month on and several meetings and training sessions to include miscellaneous licensing, Licensing Act… Code of Conduct….Scrutiny…. Induction….Full Council…..and 2 day planning ….
As a licensing Act member I have found myself in the forefront of licensing issues and hearings making up a team of 3 to consider issuing licenses of premises. I have also been selected for planning central and the new rules mean we can’t vote on planning in our area… we can support planning applications and speak at the meetings; but if it’s in your own division you can’t vote.
Planning training opened my eyes to the fact Cornwall Council have selected sites to build 52,500 houses of which 38,000 are already earmarked.
Which I raised the question who are these house for??? As I have not seen many earmarked for local need and when I challenge Cornwall council where are the jobs to support these houses; along with hospitals and schools. The reply was 60% were for people moving into Cornwall retired so would not need jobs. So it looks like Cornwall is going to become a retirement hub?????
The new leader Adam Paynter is against this housing too so let’s hope it’s not too late. I do struggle with the concept of building so many houses which are in open countryside i.e., Launceston, Liskeard, Newquay, yet hardly any are eco friendly, carbon neutral, and once built costs not only drain the worlds resources but encourage fuel poverty.
So when is open countryside not open countryside ????
It’s been busy in the division with highway issues, pot holes, speeding , rubbish, signs no one wants to see, several planning applications and the on-going appeal 46 houses St. Ive road.
If anyone has a 1/2 bed bungalow would like to swap with an elderly couple who can cope with two sets of steps I would be delighted to hear from you … must be in Pensilva …Home-choice seem to be hopeless!!!!!
Looking forward to meeting more people in the coming weeks and remember the Millennium centre is yours and now is the time to get involved!!
Cornwall Councillor Sharon Daw
The absolute deadline for submission of nomination papers is the 4th April.
A Councillor… Who Me?
Could you be one of the Parish Councillors who will be elected in May to take a lead in serving the South Hill community?
To be a Local Councillor you must be at least 18 and a British, Commonwealth or European Citizen. You also need to be a local elector or have lived, worked or owned a property in the parish for at least a year.
Why would I want to be a Councillor? Continue reading
Well this is my last newsletter as your Cornwall Councillor for this administration. By the time the next edition comes out, we will be into the campaign period for the May election and it will be inappropriate for me to be using your parish magazine for communicating with you. I therefore want to thank you for your support over the last four years. It has been an honour and a privilege to be your representative. It has been a difficult period because of the huge savings that had to be made in the council’s budget but I hope I have made a small contribution to minimising the impact.
I am proud of my local community and wish the very best to whoever you choose to represent you for the next four years. Despite the above, I remain your councillor until the election on May 4th so, if you have any problems relating to council services, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. (01579 362037) Continue reading