Category Archives: Callington

U3A speaker June 2017

This month speaker at the Callington U3A was the delightful and funny Denise Walker her talk was entitled ‘Who goes there’ a look at animal tracks.
She suggested when we are out walking in this beautiful county, that we keep our noses to the ground, as there is a world of animal tracks and clues to the wild life in your area. You need to look for clues to the small dramas that have been taking place.
There maybe fur caught on barbed wire, tracks and trails in the bank, and foot prints if the path is wet. Denise showed us various tracks we could spot, like hedgehogs, squirrels, deer and foxes. She showed us pictures of various poo! which contains the indigestible parts of foods such as hair, feather, bone splinters, which provide a wealth of information. Smells also play a vital role in the social aspects of mammals.
Clues can be found about their eating habits in their droppings, there are 3 types, vegetarians, carnivores and birds.

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U3A May meeting with Milli Lindfield

The talk this month was from Milli Lindfield about the short but remarkable life of her daughter.

Our daughter Hannah-Kate was born in 1991 with a rare syndrome called Pfeiffer Syndrome with Cloverleaf. This meant that Hannah was born with a cloverleaf shaped skull which affected her breathing, sight, hearing and pressure on the brain.

At five days old my husband and I took Hannah to Great Ormond St Hospital totally unaware that this was to become our second home for the next 19 years! At 6 weeks Hannah underwent the first of many, many major surgeries to help her live life to the full.

Hannah from day one proved she was not going to be beaten and amongst all the surgeries, having a tracheotomy (four times) being registered deaf and blind ,she attended main stream primary school and then the West of England School in Exeter.

Here she gained her love for swimming and art, and was introduced to her ever faithful Guide Dog Bella. Art became her life, it gave her an avenue to express her many emotions and to cope with the acute pain that she dealt with on a daily basis. She took her A level Art exam in Gt Ormond St Hospital on huge amounts of pain relief and blind folded as day light affected her eye pain. Continue reading

Callington U3A Update, May 2016

The Voyage of the Mayflower 



Mike Hayward gave a very interesting talk for the May meeting. He began by asking whether the stories we know about the Mayflower are myth or reality. It seems mainly myth, and he enlightened us with the reality.

The very first settlers to America did not sail on the Mayflower, but earlier, when in 1607 a ship sailed from London to Virginia. It was a time of religious unrest and people were being tortured and even killed for their beliefs.  A group of separatists escaped the persecution by moving first to Holland, and then in 1620 they decided to emigrate to America on board the ‘Speedwell’. Continue reading

Art Exhibitions at The Pannier Market


Here at Jane’s Floral Designs, Art Gallery & Gifts, I am inviting Artists in and around the Tamar Valley to display their artwork at this venue in the Pannier Market, Callington. This year the exhibitions will be themed, run for a month at a time and each one will have a preview evening where light refreshments will be available.

The dates and themes for the first three months are:-

March – “SEASCAPES” (7th March – 2nd April) Preview evening Tues 8th March, 6pm – 8pm.

April – “SPRING TIME” (4th April- 30th April) Preview evening Tues 5th April, 6pm – 8pm

May – “MINING IN THE WESTCOUNTRY (3rd May – 28th May) Preview evening Tues 3rd May, 6pm – 8pm

Remember, there is no charge to browse the Art and with FREE parking now in Callington’s New Road car park there are lots of reasons to visit your town. Continue reading

Callington Young Farmers Club

Summer kicked off with Competitions Day on 24th May. With the club entering most competitions from the various stock judging classes, cube themed family milestones, the cookery competition cooking a three course meal with only a camping stove and the additional competitions this year of changing a car tyre and club rounders, Callington took home several prize cards and won the day as club with overall most points. Despite the weather everyone enjoyed celebrating into the evening with the after do.

No rest up was had as a week later was Royal Cornwall Show. Continue reading

Tamar Valley Health

Do you have an hour or two to spare? If yes, then great because we need you!I recently started volunteering with the Tamar Valley Health Patients’ Group and I’d like to share my experiences with you. I had never heard of this group before and I’m sure many of you haven’t either but this is a group where everyone who visits their local GPs surgery should be a part of. Why I hear you ask? Because it gives you a voice and you can become part of positive improvements within our GP surgeries!

I have attended meetings where problems are highlighted such as waiting times, parking issues, computer systems etc and as a group we look to find solutions to improve our experience when we do have to visit a GP, Nurse, Pharmacist etc.

I have been taking part in exit poll surveys outside Callington and Gunnislake Health Centres, which has resulted in some great feedback and interesting information, which will then be presented to the surgery with possible solutions.

I have met the staff, learnt new information and gained an insight into how our local surgeries work but most of all I now feel confident that I have a voice that will be heard and can contribute to continuous improvement for our local health services.

If you are interested in becoming part of this forward thinking group, please email and you’ll receive the latest newsletter and a very warm welcome. Plus Join the tvhPPG Facebook Group

Tamar Valley Health NHS England, in their wisdom, decided in 2014 to write to hundreds of patients in every practice, asking them to confirm that they were still registered with their practices. Large numbers ignored these letters, possibly never opening them, and these patients have now been deregistered automatically. > It has been rumoured this to be at the practice’s request. It is incredibly rare for a patient to be removed from the practice list, and would have involved phone calls, letters, meetings and probably police involvement, unless they live outside the practice area. > If you know someone who has been removed without all of this, please encourage them to come and re-register. We’d like our lost patients back!  Kathie Applebee Strategic Management Partner


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