SHARE Community Energy Group

South Hill Association for Renewable Energy (SHARE)

SHARE bannerThis popular group, started in 2014 and incorporated as a Community Benefit Society in June 2015, is dedicated to supporting sustainability and renewable energy in the Parish of South Hill and beyond.

Read our latest flyer here…

News Feed:

SHARE News Bulletin October 2021

SHARE AGM Our AGM on September 22nd was well attended, firstly at an informal “board report” session outside the Parish Hall, to show what we do and progress made during the past year.  The second, more formal part of the meeting was conducted inside the Hall, and was rounded off with drinks and snacks so […]Read More »

Unlocking, AGM and Big Green Week

In advance of our SHARE AGM event, to be held at South Hill Parish Hall from 7.30pm on Wednesday September 22nd, we are contacting all members informally.  This message includes important information for members regarding the election of Directors. As music fans will know all too well, during lockdown all gigs were either cancelled or […]Read More »

SHARE - Out and About Again

Lethytep Conservation & Wildlife Haven Philip and Faith have transformed 52 acres of meadows, lakes and ancient woodland into habitats that they manage for wildlife.  The amazing wildflower and hay meadows are managed the old-fashioned way using only carefully-timed grazing and cutting, resulting in a rich and varied habitat.  Though probably not financially viable as a […]Read More »

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Our Mission:

“Powering renewable energy into a secure and sustainable future for all”


Membership Application Form
for those who live, work or own property in South Hill Parish

Associate Membership Application Form
for others who support our Mission, Vision and Aims

A Guide to Saving Energy in the Home

Guide to Saving EnergyOpen your copy here…

Produced in partnership with the Energy Saving Trust, this booklet has been delivered to every household in South Hill Parish.

Just click on the picture or the link to download the booklet as a pdf (3.18MB).

Data Protection

Visit our Membership page to read our Rules and other information

Astrid Fischer
(Company Secretary)
phone 383620

or email:

Recycling for Charity project

energySHARE movie

energySHARE movie

As a prelude to our 2015 energyshare funding application, we made a short video (above) to attract votes on Crowdfunder. We got 158 supporters, beating the competition for “Pot 1” funding.

Help & Information

As seen at our Slow Cooker workshop, May 2016:

Guide to Saving Energy

Click to view Energy Saving Presentation

Click to view Energy Fit Kitchens Presentation


How it all started…

It all began when representatives of Community Energy Plus came to chat to us about projects currently active in Cornwall.  Community Energy Plus is an “award-winning social enterprise that provides complete energy answers to help householders in Cornwall enjoy warmer, energy efficient homes as part of a more sustainable future” (direct quote from their website). They are funded by a number of organisations including Cornwall Council, NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, the Department for Energy and Climate Change, and with money from the Big Lottery Fund.

As a result, a number of meetings followed, and a group of about 25 individuals emerged with an interest in forming a proper association.  In November 2014 we obtained funding from energyshare.  This money (£10,000) has been used to work out and implement a proper structure for SHARE, to pay for feasibility studies for possible renewable energy projects in the Parish, and to initiate our first major project.