September 2024 Connection Newsletter

In this edition:

LATE NEWS Received : Dated 29/08/24

From Salim Mahadik, Gardens of Mercey proposed Muslim burial ground at Maders. This is just to inform you that in a few days we will be submitting the planning application. We have received the Tier 1 Risk Assessment report (copy attached). We also made another presentation last evening to the Rotary Club members of Callington with an updated version of the slides. I am attaching the updated presentation, especially as it includes a few new realistic looking architectural designs, replacing the original ‘glossy’ ones. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Kind regards, Salim.

The Tier 1 Risk Assessment report and the updated presentation have been uploaded and are available on The Connection web site here >  along with their other information.

  • Lots of local events this month
  • Super Tots back after the holidays
  • Parish Hall Harvest Supper 
  • New Advertisers and
  • All our local Advertisers here