
We’re delighted with the Connection newsletter and THANK our advertisers for their continued support, please support them by using their services and telling your friends.
Thank You to Ross Design and Print for printing them at a great price, Astrid for the idea and design, the rest of the Connection team and those that helped deliver them, to every home in the parish….. not easy pushing them through letter boxes, so if you haven’t received yours yet, check your porch and wood shed, if it’s not there, then give us an email and we can arrange collection.
We also delivered some info with the calendar;-
If you don’t receive the South Hill newsletter, please email
The Community Christmas Party this Sunday 16th, has been cancelled, Santa will be at St Sampson’s 10 – 11am for Messy Tingle.
Twelve Night, Jan 5th, bring your real Christmas trees to be recycled, drop off at the parish hall by 3:30pm
Clothes Swap. January 5th bring your unwanted clothes & accessories to the parish hall at 11am, refreshments plus tables (repair, reuse, recycle) to browse till 12:45, then swapping will start, till 3pm (384544 to drop off items before)
Save your plastics going to landfill and harming the environment
These items can recycle at the bin outside the parish hall , Tesco Callington, St Sampsons, Trevigro bench and will be sent to help charities.
Plastic trigger tops and pumps from spray bottles
Plastic tops from washing up liquid bottles
Plastic air freshener packaging, cartridges plug in refills (any brand – NO GLASS or aerosols)
Biscuit and crackers wrappers including individual wrappers like penguin and now cake slices.
Old Toothbrushes & tooth paste tubes
Crisp packets, no popcorn, no confectionery
Used stamps (leave at least 1cm backing paper around stamp) both UK and Foreign
Mobile phones, cameras, gadgets, laptops
Full list
These items can go to Tesco bag recycling bin inside the store. Please don’t send to landfill
CLEAN Plastic carrier bags, wrap and film
Bags from a loaf of bread
Frozen food bags, chips, peas etc
Wrapping on toilet paper
Wrapping on multipack drinks
Shrink wrap, bubble wrap, cling film
Packaging inside cereal boxes
No salad, rice or pasta bags