South Hill Parish Council

South Hill Parish Council

The Annual General Meeting of the Council was held on 15th May. All Parish Councillors attended.

David Skelton was elected as Chairman and Dan Smith as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.

Planning applications PA18/02989 for a replacement agricultural building at Lower Woodland Farm and PA18/03342 for a change of use and extension of an agricultural barn to residential at Jordan were discussed. The Council’s comments and details of all other planning applications can be viewed here

Regarding PA17/09824 Swallow’s Rest, Golberdon, it was reported that after further consultation with the planning officer which resulted in some welcomed changes to the proposal, the Parish Council agreed to reconsider its previous response and agree with the recommendation to the planning officer to approve the application with conditions.

The Council had not been informed about any progress with ongoing planning enforcement cases in the parish.

The Parish Council is cooperating with The Hall Committee to replace the wood floor in the main hall. Quotations were opened and a recommendation made to the Hall Committee. There was a preference for a hardwood floor but this will be more expensive. Applications are being made to the Big Lottery Fund and Viridor. The Hall committee has also set aside £3,000 but some of the money will have to come from fund raising within the parish so please support these events.

Parish councillors and other volunteers have completed most of the maintenance tasks needed in the Play Area. Another session is needed to complete the work, which will be publicised. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to muck in and to those that have already helped.

The management of a couple of allotments needs to be improved because weeds and seeds are having an unacceptable effect on neighbouring plots.

A list is being compiled of work that needs doing to our footpaths. This will be completed by our next meeting.

Our clerk, Jenny, who has been on an appropriate training course, was appointed as our Data Protection Officer.

The meeting, chaired by Dennis Hicks, ended with everyone warmly thanking him for the time and effort he has committed to serving the Parish.

Our AGM included the Annual Parish Meeting when anyone from the parish could discuss parish matters with our Cornwall Councillor or the parish councillors but no-one took this opportunity. In the last few months 50+ people have attended parish council meetings to give their views on planning applications which has helped to inform comments made by The Parish Council. There are plenty of other issues on which the Council would welcome your views. An example is the new Community Network Highways Scheme.

This is a new initiative giving the Caradon Network Area (that’s South Hill + 7 neighbouring parishes) £50,000 to spend on highway improvements of our choosing. It can’t be used for routine maintenance which rules out fixing drains and potholes. Proposals with wide public support which benefit more than one parish are more likely to succeed. Stoke Climsland Parish Council has proposed speed warning signs for Bray Shop. Linkinhorne and our parish are supporting the idea which will benefit all three. When you are next out on the road, think about good uses for that money. Let any of your Parish Councillors know or email the council, This scheme will be used by others from elsewhere  if you don’t!

Please note that the first part of this report is selective, based on notes taken during the meeting. Full and formal minutes of the meeting will be approved at the next meeting.

David Skelton