From our Cornwall Representative – Steph McWilliam

CornwallLogoBy the time you read this, the Remembrance Commemorations will be behind us but I couldn’t let this opportunity pass without saying what a privilege it has been to attend the events in the three parishes I represent. The stand-out moments were the young bugler in Golberdon, the stunning poppy decoration cascading down the front of the pulpit in St Ive Church and the children at Upton Cross who, despite the weather, were a credit to their school and their community. I feel very proud to be your Cornwall Councillor. Thank you to everyone who organised these events.

Apart from this, my week involves discussions about economic development for South East Cornwall, attending the East Planning committee, attending parish council meetings to help where I can, attending a meeting with other Councillors and senior staff at CORMAC, following up outstanding work on potholes and trying to keep up to date with individuals’ problems. This is a fairly typical week, though with only one trip to Truro!

When you think of Cornwall Council, you may think about potholes, rubbish collection and planning but the council does much more than that. Adoption and fostering, county farms, economic development, public health, elections, day centres and respite care, housing, heritage, historic environment and street lighting are just a few of the many others. After 18 months, I am still finding services I didn’t realise we provided!

The cabinet have made final amendments to the draft budget and this will be debated and voted on at Full Council by the end of November so we may know the outcome by the time this goes to print. Please remember that none of us are happy with the situation we find ourselves in and are trying our best to minimise the impact on the most vulnerable but inevitably people are going to be unhappy with some of the decisions.

Despite that, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year? I look forward to representing you to the best of my ability in 2015.

Thank you.

Steph McWilliam, November 2014