Tamara C2C 2nd stage Woolley

Starting from Woolley we followed the TAMARA signs down into the wood and along the stream, crossing back and forth emerging at Gooseham Mill then back into Marsland woods still staying close to the stream. The route joins a track where we turned left, (if you went right you’re heading for Marsland pebble beach). Down the track and up the other side, keeping left to the road. Turn right at the road. Views from the field gateway to the sea were stunning.

Pass The Barton we took the permissive path on the right (the brambles could have done with a trim), no sign of any ponies. We joined a track down over another foot bridge then up through fields (views amazing, we had blue skies all day) and around the farm yard following another suggested path onto the road. A short walk brought us to another farm, Cox farm…. (continue straight on and a FP brings you to Morwenstow church) the FP goes through a couple fields with young heifers and an electric fence, then through a maize field, so as we had a dog with us we turned left onto the farm driveway and followed that to the road. Stopping here to admire the views of the church and coast and eat our snacks.

Continuing on turn left at the road, and immediately right onto a track, which eventually leads you to Gooseham, a pretty hamlet, turn right and after this gate turn left by the noticeboard and straight onto another stoney track.

Follow this track down, then keep right up to the road. Turn Left down then up following the signpost to Woolley and our cars parked on the grass by the noticeboard.

We walked 8 miles. The weather was great, the company greater and the ups and down of the terrain made for a satisfying walk. June 25th 2024.