St Sampson’s


A New Vision for St Sampson’s

We are developing a new vision for St Sampson’s Church and its place in the community in the 21st century. As part of that vision we hope to improve the facilities at the church for wider community use. We are asking as many people as possible for their ideas and comments to help us learn more about what our community needs and how we as a church can help meet those needs. Whether you are a regular member of our church family, an occasional visitor or someone who has never visited the church, we would like to hear from you. St Sampson’s church has been part of the life of South Hill for almost seven hundred years as a place of Christian worship and as a focus for the community. It is your parish church; it is there for everyone.

If you would like any more information please contact Judith Ayers or Miranda Lawrance-Owen With thanks from all the members of St Sampson’s congregation.

Revd. Dr Joe Lannon

Phone 01579 370557


Photo by Jill Long

Sunday Services

11.15 am  (except 4th Sunday in the month at 10.00am)     

Have you always wanted to look round St Sampson’s church but never got round to it?  Hopefully we’ll be back to normal soon.

There is a wealth of faith and history to be discovered in this place where Christians have worshiped for over a thousand years, where baptisms, weddings and funerals have marked significant moments in people’s lives and still continue to do so.  People who visit often comment on how special St Sampson’s Church feels.

Miranda Lawrance-Owen 382863

2023 Barrow Push

Anthony Bagley, the new farm manager at Duchy College led the procession in a tractor on Saturday 24th June for St Sampson’s Church annual medieval barrow push and summer fete. Duchy College came to our rescue at the last minute to pull the trailer of dignitaries from Callington to South...
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Aderyn strings meets St. Sampson's Giant Monk

Music for a Summer evening came to St. Sampson’s, South Hill on 24th May,2023, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of a St. Sampson’s Unlocked sponsor.  Over 50 people filled the church to hear Cardiff-based string players, the Aderyn Quartet – who met St Sampson sharing their ‘green room’.

Subtle coloured...
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