South Hill WI Report

February 2014  Our February Meeting started with a talk by Jacquie Crow, explaining to us about Little Trove, an ethically driven business promoting fairly traded products which have been made around the world, ensuring that the products produced for sale are made in proper conditions and the people making the products are paid properly.  Many of the items are unique, so making them different to those available from the high street. There is a vast variety of different things available, including cleaning products that were not as harsh as many available to us, yet just as powerful. Some of the candles etc had been hand crafted, making them individual. Little Trove are happy to host parties if anybody is interested, so then our friends and family could also see the good work done. Jacquie was thanked for her very interesting talk to us, and we then had the chance to look at the other products available.

Our annual AGM then took place. The retiring committee were thanked for all their help throughout 2013, and presentations were. A new chairperson and committee were elected. A successful 2014 is hoped for.

March 2014   At our March meeting we heard a talk by Terri Davis about ceramics. She told us how she started years ago by going on a ceramic course and learning all the different techniques of producing ceramics, and now produces a wide variety of interesting objects from her workshop in the Tamar Valley. Terri explained to us the hazards of this seemingly docile hobby/business. A great knowledge of how the different glazes react to certain heats have got to be learned and how the objects are (hopefully) going to turn out. Terri brought some of her creations she had made, so we could see how the pots/sculptures are supposed to look at the end! She showed us the many different clays can be used, and explained how the different clays are used for different jobs. Terri was warmly thanked for her talk to us and kindly judged our competitions that evening:

Competition A – Prettiest Plate                           Competition B – A Crocus
1st Viv Berry                                                               1st Susan Hicks
2nd Angie Bunkum                                                   2nd Maggie Prickett
3rd Thelma Wilson                                                    3rd Viv Berry

A short meeting was held after our speaker, numerous W.I events happening in our area were discussed, and competitions and quizzes we are participating in were decided. We are holding a Quiz ourselves on the 22nd March at 7.30pm with a chance also to sample some different puddings. We also discussed our entry at the Launceston Show.

Anybody Interested in joining us please come along to our regular meeting at the Parish Hall in Golberdon, you’ll be more than welcome. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm or if you prefer you can ring Liz on 01579 383202 for any info.