
Events taking place at South Hill Parish Hall, Golberdon, are now kept up to date on the Parish Hall’s own website, where you will also find booking forms and price details. Direct link:  PARISH HALL CALENDAR

Many other local events can be found publicised in our regular Newsletter, and in our News posts, see below:

May upcoming events

Monday 22nd Parish Hall AGM 7:30pm ALL welcome, and encouraged to attend and hear the latest news !! Wed. 24th St. Sampson’s Special Music evening 7:30pm (not to be missed) St Sampsons Unlocked Fri. 26th The Bells Walking group, will be starting at 6pm at St Mary’s church in the centre of LAUNCESTON , climbing […]Read More »

St Sampson's Giant Monk in Callington Mayfest

The Cornish Times captured the Giant Monk in the procession through the town. More »

Creating a sustainable wardrobe that works for you.

Getting to grips with ‘wardrobe economics’ is the key to sustainability. There are three variables to consider: On average we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. That equates to an awful lot of clothes languishing in your wardrobe not ‘earning their keep’! For every £100 spent, £80 is wasted, if not being […]Read More »

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