Tamara C2C Stage 6 Marhamchurch 

St. Marwenne church stands in the middle of Marhamchurch village alongside the shop, pub, school…  The 15th century oak door and knocker leads onto a chequerboard floor of slates on edge.  Liz gave us a warm welcome and some history then we made lots of noise on the 6 bells before heading off to the shop (toilet) and on our way.

Heading on a quiet lane and along the tow path pass The Orchard to Marsh Farm then picking up the bridleway all the way to Homeleigh Garden Center taking care when crossing the busy road… we didn’t stop until we reached Launcells church. (toilet)

Here we noted how light the church was having plain glass windows. The amazing carved bench ends by the Pinwell sisters. The painting of the team of bell ringers from King George 3rd, 1760.  We sought out the grave of Sir Goldsworthy Gurney inventor 1793 – 1875, to the right of the porch.

The graveyard lead us to Launcells Barton wedding venue then footpaths up to the main road, which we walked for a short distance and crossed again to pick up the path to Hobbacott Down. Lots of history here and the Bude Canal incline plane, an amazing feat of engineering to raise the tug boats. Continuing on FP through Beeston farm and pass the HORSE, to Stert and onto Great Beer farm, picking up the road. Talked to Ashleigh the metal detector, then FP past New Meadow Barn and road back to Marhamchurch shop for a hot cuppa tea sitting outside before rain started spitting and we packed up and headed home. Another great walk and made extra special by the people we walked with and met along the way.  

Beware the dung spreader…. we got lucky.

…………10 miles. August 15th

Post marking Cycle Trail number 3.
125 miles from Landsend.