Tamara Way Stage 3 UTL 8 miles July 5th

Starting as the Tamara Way disappeared off the road into a narrow path of tall wet grass, which took us past Hudscott Farm and down their concrete drive. After a short way the route turned left down a track into fields, over a stile, over a footbridge to emerge at Upper Tamar Lakes. We continued over the dam and walked the 2.7 miles around the lake, where we observed the many fisherman and birds.

The cafe was open and invited us to eat our packed lunches inside as it was drizzling. Great toilets here also.

Once sated we continued back over the dam, turned right this time and picked our way around to come back up the track and farm lane, turning left through Hudsland Farm, negotiating the electric fences. One of the final hurdles we faced were brambles and nettles and a stock proof fence, but using the anchor post and bars, we scrambled over. Walking up the tram lines, we entered an overgrown track with tall wet grass which soaked us, just before we arrived back at the cars.

Another great walk with great company.