Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition Day

On Saturday the 21stMarch about one hundred and twenty of you came to the Parish Hall at Golberdon, to see our exhibition showing what you all said in our survey at Christmas.


sDSC01135RAThe team had put a tremendous amount of work into preparing the displays, and it was very rewarding to see so many of you taking an interest. Sherryl Murray, our own Member of Parliament, and our Cornwall Councillor, Steph McWilliam, were both there, and we had two people from the Ramblers, Bob Saunders and Kevin Connor, who were able to give useful advice about walking and footpaths in the parish.


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This was quite a milestone on the road to producing our plan, and now we have to get down to the difficult task of turning what we know you want, into planning policies which comply with the basic conditions and which could become law.

One of the comments someone made in the survey, was about the lack of women on our Neighbourhood Plan team. It’s a good point, and we would love to have some more ladies join us. We only have one at the moment. Sadly, although people make comments like this, no-one seems prepared to come forward and vsDSC01132RAolunteer. I’m sure there must be a lot of women living here who would be a great asset to our team, so I’m going to challenge you with the old phrase, “Put your money where your mouth is.” Come on, ladies, don’t be shy! My phone number is 362623.

Geoff Clemerson