November Meet
ing – “The Fishermen of Port Isaac“
The speaker this month was Geoff Provis who is from a long line of Cornish fishermen. He gave a very interesting talk on the lost history of the fishing community complete with authentic photographs. We learnt about the construction of Withy pots to catch lobsters which only lasted a season as they were easily damaged in the rough weather.
October Meeting – “My Life In The Theatre”
The speaker for the meeting this month was Elaine Clifford, a delightful lady who entertained us from beginning to end. Her extensive career in the Theatre included joining the Tiller Girls, The Bluebell Dancers and forming a musical duo called The Two High Spots. They had various bookings including entertaining the troops in Germany. After her partner married, she set up her own musical comedy act and worked with Bruce Forsythe among many others.
Why not come along and join us, have a look at our website to see all the activities that are available not to mention the friendly people.
More details from Rosemary 01579 370578