Category Archives: Cornwall Council

From Our Cornwall Representative Steph McWilliam

CornwallLogoWell, the budget setting process has begun and promises to be even more difficult than last year. There is no doubt that some difficult decisions will have to be made again and some people are going to be disappointed at the loss or changes that result. One that has not yet been decided is about the mobile library service. I have received the results of the consultation and there is no doubt that this service is highly valued. However, the results also suggest that some people, perhaps the most vulnerable, might benefit from a change from a mobile van to a home delivery service. Three options will be discussed shortly and, at the moment, I am inclined to think we will be better off making more radical changes now that can then be maintained for the next few years rather than having to make minor changes each year. However, no decision has yet been made.

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From our Cornwall Councillor, May 2014

Well, planning and potholes continue to dominate my council work. I do appreciate how frustrating it is that the roads don’t seem to be improving but the scale of the task is enormous. You may have heard that Cornwall Council will be receiving about £10m from the government for roads, which is welcome, but with a backlog costed at over £200m, it is still only a small contribution.

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